Speedfight 3 AC Anzug verbessern?

Hallo, Ich habe einen Speedfight 3 der In der Variomatik und am Gaszug gedrosselt ist, alles ist original.Er fährt 30 km/h Wie kann ich den Anzug verbessern ? Würde es was bringen wenn ich anstatt 8g Gewichten leichtere Gewichte reinmachen und wenn ja wieviel Gramm?

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7 years ago

You have a speed limiter. From a certain speed, this is tight. Unfortunately, the lighter weights do nothing, since the rated speed is now reached earlier.

7 years ago
Reply to  Speedfight33

But surely, CDI…

7 years ago

Of course not-bist the great exception..

7 years ago

Achneeeeeeee? You have a 25 CDI in there-no open. what do you mean?

7 years ago

You have a 25Kmh choke in there and that’s it. Any change leads to the cancellation of the permit. Take the license with 16 and your problems are done.

7 years ago
Reply to  Speedfight33

Then build the gas slide stop! Don’t let him catch you as BE is going to die. by the way, you also have a perforated disc in the outlet.