spedition pleite wo findet man ein job als LKW Fahrer?
mein verwandter ist LKW Fahrer seit 10 Jahren und die Spedition wo er arbeitet ist insolvenz. der betrieb muss geschlossen werden. wo kann er jetzt als lkw fahrer arbeiten? Bürgergeld kommt nicht in frage für ihn
More and more freight forwarders regard German drivers as an exit model. I know forwardings where there is the instruction to stop as new drivers only foreign dumping workers. It is deliberately accepted, which increases the turnover. This goes so far that drivers cancel in one night and fog action without notice.
So, a few years ago diesel prices went up the ceiling and freight prices had to be increased, some customers from their freight forwarders first caught the dismissal of all the deceased drivers.
Those who are looking for drivers. And drivers are looking everywhere, especially in international traffic. Large forwardings introduce 100-150 drivers annually, the search is constant.
Between 2008 and 2009 I drove 2 years internationally 40to, from boredom. I didn’t advertise, the job was offered to me
As a truck driver, you don’t usually stay unemployed for a long time.
Drivers are urgently sought everywhere.
All shipments complain that there are too little truck drivers. So simply apply on it or read job advertisements.
Truck drivers are looking for change. He just needs to go to the next forward.
Basically, truck drivers are needed, it is only always tried to pay as little as possible.
Insolvency money he hopedl. ASAP requested?
Jobturbo is a good meta search engine for jobs.
insolvenz geld the employer must apply for the employment office
Simply call and ask for other forwardings
In Iran “the best country in the world”
a land that is better than Iran come trust you;)
All other 194 countries on this planet
Furniture facilities, large department stores, logistics companies
How about reading job advertisements and then applying?