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9 months ago

There is no speculation tax, but income tax, which may apply to a private sale business, which is present when:

  • Between purchase and sale (determined for the respective date are the purchase contracts) no 10 years
  • A sale profit (sales price minus purchase costs) at least €1,000 AND
  • If the property was not used for own residential purposes between purchase and sale or in the year of sale and in the two previous years

can you search a buyer for 10 years or can you put a search ad before?

This is already done before (the search of a buyer or switching a search ad is not yet a sale with a purchase contract).

The above three points are decisive for the question of when it is taxable (if one of them is not fulfilled, then you are out of the tax).

9 months ago

Dear questioner!

You can sell a property in private property after a holding period of 10 years free of income tax, subject to cheaper regulations for self-inhabited property. The conclusion of the purchase and sale contract is decisive for the time-limit calculation.

You can turn a search indicator before the end of the 10-year period. However, a substantial pre-contract or actual completion of the business (transfer of property and money) is equivalent to a sale.

Best regards

Tax advisor Jakob Röß

Röß Online Control Consulting UG (Liability Limited)

In the absence of a free commission and complete knowledge of your personal situation, I exclude the liability for misconduct for this answer.

9 months ago

Can’t wait for him to buy later.

Can’t have it.