Spätschicht wird zum Problem für mein Vater?
Er möchte auf nur Frühschichten wechseln, ist das möglich?
Auf der Arbeit muss er Maschinen kontrollieren und 6km Arbeitsweg mit Auto. Alkohol ist da strengstens verboten.
Er trinkt jeden Tag 3,5 – 4l Bier. Das wird umso schwerer, wenn er Spätschicht hat, da er dann bis spät abends auf das Bier verzichten muss und dann bis spät in die Nacht wach bleibt um die Dosis zu halten.
Bei Frühschicht kann er von 14 Uhr an bis spät abends trinken.
Man braucht schließlich auch ein bisschen Zeit um alleine 3,5-4l auch runter zu kriegen. Das geht kaum in 2-3 Stunden.
Rauchen kann er auf Arbeit, sodass er dennoch auf seine Schachtel Zigaretten am Tag kommt.
All my points are directed to you, do not make any pre-balance (!), your father can only help himself!
Be drunk (more than 0.3 permille) at work is prohibited by occupational safety. Your father probably has permanent.
Your father no longer has to work in therapy and DARF due to its continuous level.
No he always sleeps the noise after consumption
In time he does not manage to come under 0.3. And even if he has turkey
Vll, you can convince him that he has to do something more against his addiction
No, not the late layer becomes a problem, but it is alcohol-dependent.
Instead of struggling with layers, you should tackle the problem.
Where your questions always seem credible to me.
He’s 60 years old. He won’t be so easy to get off. He has been drinking with the beer for decades and has always increased it.
He doesn’t do that for 10 years.
The best reason to change working hours.
Perhaps it would be more sensible to work longer so that there is less time to drink.
You always find ways to keep the addiction.
Locomotives must not drink alcohol at our place 6 hours before the start of service. Didn’t such deadlines apply to your father during operation? With several litres of beer, he’s not sober after a few hours… .
About 0.1 per hour the body builds off blood alcohol. With four liters of beer you have a good level. Every day these amounts of alcohol, you will not be sober.
That’s what I see.
Think that your father has a residual alcohol in the body even in the case of only early shifts.
The employer decides whether a change to early shifts is possible for your father.
He’s probably not good if he has to stay sober all day until he’s late.
If the employer notices that your father makes mistakes, smells of residual alcohol, he gets problems anyway.
Dad has to talk to the boss.
P. A. L.
Problem of other people.
It’s not your problem.
You have enough problems in your life that you have to solve. Your father must solve his own problems.
Stop baptizing – problem solved!
😂 That is a disease, you know!?
yes. one that is under control at the moment when you stop it.
or do you know any alcoholic who has been drunk without having a sip of alk?
Your father has a massive alcohol problem. He will get problems with the employer in the long term.
No. He’s used to it. You can’t compare it with someone who never drinks alcohol.
Your father is a mirror drinker.
Listen to you talking. Everyone’s gonna tell you what’s going on with your father and that’s not a lie.
If he makes a mistake at work, there will be severe problems. And he can be happy when no man gets hurt.
because he’s used to it, he’s an alcoholic!
Then he would certainly not be used on machines anymore.
Unless the AG has written information on his illness.
if it is true what I doubt, let it be drunk at first. That would be an important step. We’ll see you later.
You’re a real family. With alcohol car driving and machines control, in which passenger transport works, although sometimes completely unconcentrated and insecure when driving….
“He wants to change to only early shifts, is that possible?
At work, he has to control machines and 6km working path by car. Alcohol is strictly forbidden.”
Then he should go to a clinic and take a withdrawal. The company is certainly not responsible for supporting its soup rhythm.
Well, he doesn’t drink the alcohol before work. So he tries to go to sleep before he goes to work.
“Later shift becomes a problem for my father?”
No, it’s the alcohol.
Oh, you don’t think something’s going on in a village. 😄
Then he has enough time to baptize death.
In three years, he’d retire what I’m thinking. He can go with deductions with 63.
Not at all. Even if he believes that.
Again: It is not the job of the company to offer structures that support its suff to an alcoholic. If he is no longer able to work, he must be able to write and treat himself accordingly.
He can’t handle it so fast, the alcohol problem.
He could change his sleep rhythm and baptize after the late shift and then sleep until the beginning of the late shift.
That’s how he does it so far..
Hello, maxundmogli. 😊
This is a diabolical situation, but it is not about it now.
I had 11 employees myself, so I can think in well…….
If your dad is out in his job, I see a positive outcome of his request.
He’s supposed to talk to the boss, because a good employee doesn’t want to lose, so there’s the possibility that he’ll meet his father’s request.
The consumption of alcohol and cigarettes is not relevant at all when your father works correctly. This is a private thing your father has to answer.
It would be nice to respect your father’s desire.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
Up to the pension there are still 3 years
if he does.
Then you can only push your dad’s thumbs that work.
He’s been doing this for so long, he’s supposed to fall dead. He’s used to it.