Spätfolgen Kaiserschnitt?
Hallo aufgrund von Vorerkrankungen musste ich vor 7 Monaten einen Kaiserschnitt machen. Alles war super. Bis heute. Plötzlich eine Schwellung linksseitig, Rötung , Schmerz.Es ist Flüssigkeitsgefüllt. War im Krankenhaus – Entzündung. Woher. Keine Ahnung. Soll erstmal Umschläge mit Tannolact machen. Wenn schlechter oder nicht besser wird alles aufgemacht. Hat jemand Erfahrungen?
An imperial section is an operation, from a cut even a large one, and as with each operation the surgical wound can ignite. Such a sepsis can be a handcrafted error, but inflammation can also have other causes.
In the worst case, the seam must be opened again. Keep an eye on this!
Funny that seven months was nothing. Really. I had a super wound healing and nothing was problematic. From today to tomorrow…
The cut is rather amazingly small / short…you should not think
After all, the head of a baby must pass through. No comparison to the minimally invasive cuts that exist today. Two centimeters maybe…
Of course it is true
Everything went smoothly with me. I had two caterpillars.
That’s stupid.
Didn’t hear anything similar from others to you.