Später einmal Geopolitisch arbeiten – Welche Studiengänge sollte man wählen?
Politikwissenschaften (auf Deutsch oder auf Englisch),
oder eine
Fremdsprache(n) wie Chinesisch, Russisch oder Arabisch?
Es gibt so viele Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge, welche sich sinnvoll anhören, wenn man jene Karrierelaufbahn anstrebt. Habt ihr Erfahrungen oder Erkenntnisse gesammelt? Würdet ihr mehrere Bachelors machen und dann noch einen Master draufsetzten? Würdet ihr etwas ergänzen? Und ja mir ist bewusst, dass man nicht ewig studieren kann bzw. sollte.
What do you understand, “working geopolitically”? If geopolitical advice, think thanks/research institutes or private business development/strategy advice??
In general, you have the best opportunities with VWL, international business and political sciences.
Notes & internships & university reputation (especially in the Anglo-Saxon companies) count much more.
A good profile would therefore be:
With this profile you will have very good opportunities and guaranteed to find a very good job with very good pay
Of course, you can also create it in this profession with a “bad” profile, but the probability is lower.
Many foreign language skills are always helpful here, but not pure language studies as a subject of study. It depends on the application, for example in economicsinology or economics.
Several Bachelors in succession would be a waste of time that throws you back in career!
You should also inform you about the diplomatic career at the Federal Foreign Office (Attaché, Legationsrat). This leads to constant foreign assignments with corresponding family involvement.
Since I am a little older than the average student after completing my second course of education, I don’t want to roam around anyway. I strongly consider studying political science and geography in Heidelberg. I’d have languages if I tried to get along with me. Except maybe a sinology study vllt. The idea with the Federal Foreign Office appears to me in relation to later internships or vllt. also very helpful as a career path, thanks for this. The GIDS also sounds very interesting, but without direct officers’ runway, it should be illusory at the federal government.
Master is almost mandatory to make a career in public service. The professions you seek are more or less all professions that have something to do with the state. And precisely in the public service, education is expected to be very strong.
Political sciences, sociology, law, VWL, BWL, religious sciences are the fields with which one can best enter. Especially Jura is actually intended for the state service. Linguistic courses I wouldn’t advise you personally, except it’s really something like Chinese or Russian, with which you could profile. But never study German or English unless you want to become a teacher.
You certainly don’t want to hear that, but for politics you don’t have to study today, nor have any idea in its area of responsibility.
This applies in principle only to members of the government cabinet.
Answer to the regular table level