Spaß oder Geld für Arbeit?
Moin, studiere BWL und bin zwigespalten zwischen 2 Richtung. Mir macht am meisten der Sport/Fußball Spaß und ich wollte immer in diese Brange rein (Verein/Verband). Doch ich höre oft dass das Gehalt anfangs nicht so gut ist.
Jetzt frag ih mich ob ich lieber etwas machen soll was mehr Gehalt bringt für mich aber dann nicht identisch so viel Spaß macht.
Was würdet ihr machen?
I’d think about four corners in your place, and I’m looking for something that’s all I want in my profession. The best ideas come to me during the walk and you might consider the subject on several long walks until you finally thought about everything. Don’t be afraid to think, but think in unconventional ways.
In sports you can also get to the top earners, but you need luck and contake, which I don’t get without Prakitka.
Why don’t you write on what you want, how you think you’re going to be there, what’s at least what you want to achieve from these dreams and maybe what you’re ready to sacrifice on the way to that, so that you always know what you really want and focus on it.
That would depend on my financial situation.
I first made jobs that made me less fun, but brought me a lot of money. Since I’ve had enough money, I’ve only done the jobs I’ve been enjoying
If you already have enough fortune, you should focus your job on what is more fun for you.
How much exactly “sufficient” is you can only decide.
I would definitely choose what makes me more fun. Even if (in the beginning) the merit is lower: if I do something fun, I am also better in it. Once you’re in the industry, you’ll have the foot in the door and can connect and build a network. Just money Because I wouldn’t splice my time with other things. Working time is also a lifetime.