Sparkasse sperrt giroyoung Konto wegen Kindergeld?
Hallo ich bin gerade mehr als verzweifelt, die Sparkasse hat das Konto meiner Tochter gesperrt weil Kindergeld und Unterhalt auf das Konto gehen und sie den „Zahlungsverkehr“ als verdächtig sehen. Bei abschließen dieses Kontos habe ich dem sparkassenmitarbeiter gesagt was für Zahlungen auf das Konto gehen und die Sparkasse weiß das ich selber ein P-Konto habe.
sparkassenarbeiter sagte zu mir ich müsse kein Konto für meine Tochter aufmachen, könnte meinen Freibetrag erhöhen, wäre das gleiche. Ich wollte aber das Konto für meine Tochter und damit war es durch. Jetzt hat eine andere Sachbearbeiterin das gesperrt! Ich habe nicht so viel Geld weil alleinerziehend und bin darauf voll angewiesen und komme nicht an das Geld weil die Sachbearbeiterin ohne Vorwarnung und ohne das sie sich zurückmelden(habe angerufen) nichts freigegeben wird. Jetzt habe ich einen teletermin in 7 Tagen bekommen und weiß nicht wie ich das bis dahin schaffen soll. Hat jemand Erfahrung was das betrifft. Habe ich Hoffnung früher an das Geld zu kommen? Vielen Dank für die antworten
Contact the management of the account-leading financial institution or go personally.
How old is the daughter?
I was told on the phone that I can’t do anything in the branch, only the specialist who has caused the lock can take care of it. I think it’s funny that I’m accused of being criminal and would do money laundering and the other party with the money that doesn’t belong to God and doesn’t try to find a conversation or a conversation. I’ve tried to find the conversation several messages that you should report and nothing happens, I just stand there as a single person doesn’t know how and wait until Miss Sachbearbeiter calls in a few days “(maybe she calls to WENN SIE ZEIT FINDET”🤬 )they’re totally irrelevant to my situation and again BEIM REALLY THERE Now I’m just as far as this is just going to make both my and my child’s accounts simply dense, that’s what I’m going to say to the nice 🤬 woman “when she calls” just wants to get away from the savings bank, just disgusting what they do with you
Alternatively to the consumer center or possibly to a lawyer.
I sent an e-mail to the bank and there again described my situation and how easy it is to deal with the situation of others (I don’t listen to money at home) and that for us the money is also very important and that both accounts are made after the thing.
Apparently, there may be a suspicion of trying to circumvent a penny.
I don’t have a deposit on my account and, as I said, the specialist knew, at the end of the account what I’m going to do. All payment receipts are demonstrable, as there is not payment unknown 50.000€ but offices that transfer the money to the account. And if I could have left the money at Xy ner’s other bank, they wouldn’t have gotten any of it. I have not
There is probably a bond protection account and presumably previous payment receipts above the deposit allowance are made to a newly established account of the possibly minor daughter.
You made the mistake. Children’s money and maintenance are yours and not your daughter.
The Sparkasse blames you for redirecting the payments to the daughter’s account. In any case, it would have been better to follow the Council and increase the allowances.
Non-profit associations offer debt counselling. Take this and try to get out of the situation with their help.
If the payments have now been redirected to my account in the short term, then they should make the account! But I want to have the money
You want the money? This is in contradiction with your response to my demand.
Yes I want to have the money because as you may have noticed is guilty and must be paid books for the next school year, which I pay AUCH of it!!!