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1 year ago

Maybe, but it doesn’t. If you want to make sure you ask your bank. All that is written here can be correct but also wrong, because that alone decides your bank on the basis of its assessment of your creditworthiness.


1 year ago

That’s what your bank decides. Depending on the account management, you sometimes have a certain amount that can be covered.

But I wouldn’t risk it if the paypal payment is rebooked, you have your dress, but Paypal still demands his money plus a certain amount due to rebooking. In addition, it may be possible for your Paypal account to be converted to balance payment, which means that you always have to transfer money to the Paypal account to pay something

1 year ago

Depends on whether your bank has granted you a dispo. If not, the “patient overdrawn” is called and is very expensive. But they can let it go back.

1 year ago

You can simply select numbers at Paypal after 30 days. Then you pay it after 30 days (without tinting)

1 year ago
Reply to  mangata222

Have you already tried on the laptop/PC in the web version?