Sparbuch bei der Sparkasse maximal?
Ich habe eine Frage zu dem Sparbuch bei der Sparkasse. Ich habe mir ein Sparbuch geholt und darauf zukünftig sparen zu können. Was ich jedoch vergessen habe zu fragen ist. Ab wann ist bei dem Sparbuch das Limit erreicht?
There is no limit in the sense.
Ggf is available from a certain amount of “penal interest” but as far as I know most banks have abolished it again. Alternatively, the positive interest can only be granted up to a certain amount.
In general, inflation is not beaten with the savings book.
I would primarily save the not-growing and then save it in what better galvanized.
Up there is no limit. Down 1 Euro. You can only pay €2000 each month.
There’s no limit. It’s just nonsensical to make high sums there, because you get only a minimum interest rate