Spar Plan Idde?

Hallo, ich habe ein Spar Buch von meinem Vater geschenkt bekommen. Nur bekomme ich meinen Lohn ja nicht Bar. Also bringt mir sowas ja nichts, da ich eh nur alles Geld auf der Karte habe. Hat jmd ne Idee wie ich da Geld aufbewahre , das Geld das ich dann da reinstecke, könnte ich ausgeben und das auf der Karte dann für alltägliches oder was würdet ihr mir empfehlen?

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1 year ago

Open daily money account and set up permanent order. This is the simplest option.

No one is using a savings book today.

1 year ago

You can transfer money from the current account to your savings account.

1 year ago

I didn’t understand.

Do you want your merit, invest or hide from the tax office?

1 year ago

You should honor know how much you can save every month with the app finanzguru you will win for what you spend. ZB at the consorsbank also applies this function. I personally use the program why money.

If you know how much you can save a month, well I find this inflation is pointless.

Make a daily money account but pay attention to the interest that are different from bank to bank. The money you deposit there is liquid as you can book it at any time.

Or you’re investing. There is also a risk of loss.

Short-term investment is currently Kryptos

In the long term, you can save a stock deposit as you pay a certain amount each month and buy a certain amount of work. But you have to have strong nerves because the volatility at the time is apparently very high for the next 5 years.