Spanische Adresse entschlüsseln?
Hallo zusammen!
Ich muss etwas nach Spanien versenden, aber tue mich schwer die Adresse zu verstehen.
Es geht hier um folgende Adresse:
Pol. Ind, C la picota, Av.Cdad.del
Transporte 4,nave B,Marchamalo
Guadalajara, 19180
Kann mir die jemand erklären?
Danke im Voraus!
A few months ago, almost the same address was explained by a now inactive user:
Only the address name Pol. Ind. is not the same. There seems to be a logistics company at this address.
I’ve seen the question, but the formats seem to be a bit different.
I’m confused that I don’t have a house number and the “Pol. Ind”.
I really don’t know how to put it in the surface at DHL.
I guess that from C (calle) to 4 the street name is (address line 1), nave B denotes the building (address line 2 / address addition), the rest is the location name incl. PLC
Great, I’ll try.
Thank you.
It seems to have been a bit confused. Because in a 2nd address line the less important one was introduced:
Pol. Ciudad del Transport
Calle la picota, 4
Nave B
19180 Marchamalo (Guadalajara)