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2 years ago

Hello. In all sentences under 1, you take the verb at the beginning of the 2nd sentence or ancillary (after cuando or comma) and put it in the Gerundio.

At 1.2. stands había seguido. Normally you would have to habiendo seguido (haber im Gerundio + Participio = complete Gerundio) what would be more advanced. Perhaps your teacher expects a simple Gerundio in response: siguiendo (unregular)

mientras pensaba = pensando

cuando entraba = entrando

aunque sabe = sabiendo

You usually leave the connection word away in this simplification.

2 years ago
Reply to  Animefan2849

Just take over. Your example set is correct (but there are no accents).

You need to distinguish between profile (estar + Gerundio) and Gerundio. The Gerundio itself shows a way of working. Only with estar, which is then conjugated, it becomes the shape of the course.

Your examples are, however, about shortening sentences with the Gerundio by showing Gerundio how it works (siguiendo a un gato pequeño). Only if you want to show that the person is currently busy, take estar + Gerundio.