Spam jetzt auch schon bei youtube?
Guten morgen. Ich habe folgendes problem. Und zwar besitzte ich seit 2007 einen eigenen Youtube kanal. Jetzt ist mir allerdings schon öffters aufgefallen das ich 2 sehr komische kommentare unter 2 verschiedene Videos habe, die ich nach dem Lesen sofort blockiert und gelöscht habe. 1 ner schrieb mir was in Russischer sprache und die andere hat irgendwas mit verwöhnte brünette geschrieben. Ich habe die entsprechenden Personen jetzt geblockt und die kommentare gelöscht.
Gibt es letzt auch schon Spammerei auf youtube, genauso wie auf facebook? nd warum gib es sowas immer bei mir? Oder bilde ich mir das nur ein?
This is normal on YouTube or on any platform. This also takes place with other creators. Reacts not on
As I see this is not a spam but they have commented normally with brittle German…
But Eoiner had also written something in Russian. Of course I don’t understand.
Spamm comments are available at all possible videos. I have often seen them at Extra 3, but they have been erased more quickly.
I would recommend you, however, before blocking the users to report them because of spamm, that they might also be locked (that they cannot continue with other people)
Copy the text and add it to Google more translated. There are also English videos where Spanish comment German or other languages
thanks for the tip. I didn’t think about it
Each platform that allows answers is the goal of spammers.
At Youtube, bots try to abuse the platform for advertising. KOmmentare.
Others copy the channel image and enter a similar name (e.g. name team) and request to send a Whatsapp.
There are imme rneue ideas, and Google/Youtube must react to this to automatically block such people.
These are spam bots.
Yes, you do., such stupid ‘hot, moist and crisp’ jam is also available among other videos. If there is also longer, on Youtube is more rare than on other platforms.
I have or had it on Faebook for what reason I set up a spam folder. That’s what made me feel.