Sozialarbeiterin anschreiben (SVV, Panikattacken)?
ich hatte letzten Mittwoch den ersten Termin bei der Sozialarbeiterin.
ich bin da leider nicht dazu gekommen ihr von den Panikattacken und meinen SVV zu erzählen.
ich traue mich aber auch nicht wirklich sie anzuschreiben, weil ich nicht will das es irgendwie komisch oder random rüberkommt.
mein Lehrer weiß von beidem bescheid hat aber es der Sozialarbeiterin wohl nicht gesagt.
ich würde der Sozialarbeiterin aber jz gerne schreiben… meine frage ist…
wie mach ich das am besten? Bzw kann mir jemand bissl helfen beim formulieren der mail, weil wenn ich das alleine mache fallen mir entweder keine wörter ein oder ich bin einf unzufrieden damit
LG und schonmal danke
You already had a conversation with her. Further details to sign would not be random or “like strange”.
You can freely formulate this. Take the thoughts that are coming to your head. This is not a German article that must be well structured and linguistically sophisticated. Your question here would already fit:
If you want, describe more details or ask for another interview.
You don’t have to be satisfied with the letter. If the information you want to share is okay. The social workers are there for you and you don’t have to perform.
PS. It is strong that you look at your problems and talk about it with teachers. You’re the person who knows what’s going to help you and keep you going. All right on your way!
Thank you.
I think I will copy the set
helps me very much 🙂
I know the problem hanging in the thought that it is not yet perfectly formulated. I’ve already rewritten mails four times before I noticed I was turning around. Then it helps to break and easy something to write. It is also possible to conclude that this is not as good as I wish, but the content is hopefully understandable.
I’ll send them off 🙂
Thank you for your help 🙂
What does it change if the mail is good? You don’t get a touch on it, but help and support. If the social worker has received the required information, the mail is perfect.
I don’t want to take your decision on sending. It’s important that you rely on your own feeling.
Thank you.
I have written
but know if she is good and I should send her in
The message doesn’t have to be perfect if you can tell her what you want to get rid of. :’
Sometimes it just helps to write off with everything that deals you degree…because then you can better assess the situation than if it’s formal.
Good luck:’)