“Sowohl als ob “oder “Sowohl als auch”?
Welches ist richtig 😅
Welches ist richtig 😅
man kann sie im Moment weder besuchen noch telefonisch erreichen. Es ist für uns als Familie gerade auch keine leichte Situation. ist das oben so korrekt ?
Hallo, ich bin gerade bei der Aufgabe einer Gedichtsanalyse und muss die Stilmittel (Sprachliche Mittel) finden. Ich komme aber nicht weiter und frage deshalb hier nach Hilfe. Könnte mir jemand weiterhelfen?
Ich möchte Adjektive hören, trostlos usw.
Was bedeuten diese 2 Verse? Ich hätte die besten Vögel der Welt Um dich bei Tagesanbruch zu wecken Es ist aus dem Gedicht „Ich möchte diese Birke sein“ von Ivan Goll Ich möchte diese Birke sein Die du so liebst: Hundert Arme hätt ich um dich zu schützen Hundert grüne und sanfte Hände Um dich…
Am Ende des 19ten Jahrhunderts (1890 ungefähr)
Ist vielleicht eine dumme Frage, aber jemand meinte das wäre zweideutig, habe aber wirklich überhaupt gar keinen Plan was daran komisch sein soll.😅
You could also look for it yourself.
🌿🌷Thank you for your star. 🌺🍃
It depends on what you want to express:
“Also as if” is used to express irony or unbelief. Example: “He pretends to know everything, even though he has no idea.”
“Also as well” is used to emphasise two or more elements that apply simultaneously. Example: “He is both intelligent and friendly.”
So, depending on the context you choose the right one!
Both… as if… there isn’t and you yourself have no example.
As if you have an umbrella and as if you have studied the weather report, you acted correctly this morning
Nice to know:) thank you
I’m sorry for the teacher, but also teachers aren’t too powerful, but only people, so, “Set, 6. Next time, make sure you do better.”
The following sentence is both grammatically correct and logical in terms of content: where: you have a screen and where: you studied the weather report, you acted correctly this morning. I see you’ve hardly gotten wet.
I got it from my teacher.
This is language rape if you miss the arguments.
both … and
She wears both trousers and skirts.
as if
He pretends he doesn’t know anything.
They say, both, and.”
LG Maike
You can also check this out in a Duden and dictionary – is both helpful daily
The other is Schmarrn, I have never heard/read.
My whole family says “Also as if” 😅
It’s good that it’s finally cleared
No, it’s not as if!
Hm, could of course be that this is a regional thing. Where did your family come from, so what region?
I’ve never heard anything like that.
But can be, can be regional. In my home country, people said “call + Dativ” – when I was studying somewhere else in D and so said – it fell down – and I slowly turned to “call + battery.”
“I have done both strength training and endurance training today”
My goodness now that the eyes are open to me, it sounds like wrong
Okay usually I say “Also as well” but sometimes the other comes out 😅
In what context does that use? Please make a specific example.
I have actually had the luck getting to know my great-grandparents and they have always said “almost as if”. (These were raised in East Prussia)
Has firmly anchored in me 😅
Yes, it can be that it used to be so common in the area.
We live in Lower Saxony between Bremen and Verden.
The majority of the family originates from East Prussia and Silesia
Absolutely, “as if” doesn’t make any sense.
The other does not use any
My father already 🫣
That’s right.