Sorgen um Gewicht vom Partner?
Ich mache mir allmählich große Sorgen um meinen Partner. Er ist 32, 1,80m groß und wiegt nun etwa 110 Kilo.
Er hatte schon immer eine Tendenz dazu, schnell zuzunehmen. Seine Mutter hatte ebenfalls Übergewicht daher vermute ich, dass Genetik auch ein Faktor ist.
Langsam mache ich mir natürlich Sorgen um seine Gesundheit, denn gut ist das auf keinen Fall, zudem er sich immer weniger wohl fühlt.
Mein Freund hat schwere Depressionen und ist zudem traumatisiert, weshalb er nicht besonders oft das Haus verlässt und keine Motivation hat um Sport zu machen. Ich weiß leider absolut nicht wie ich ihm helfen kann, da mein Problem das genaue Gegenteil (Untergewicht) ist.
Ich hoffe auf Antworten in Form von Ratschlägen von Menschen, die ebenfalls Schwierigkeiten mit ihrem Gewicht und/oder Depressionen haben und mir sagen können, wie ich ihn dabei unterstützen kann, etwas für seine Gesundheit zu tun.
Sport does not always have to be exhausting or consist of strength training. Try to motivate him to try something new, such as tennis, volleyball, football, etc… movement is also good for the psyche. Try to make him something delicious for in between, like Quark with fruits, so he slowly gets away from chips. Depression in combination with regular ticking is not good. The dopamine level is artificially too quickly brought to high when zooming. And if he’s not shocking, he’s getting more and more powerless due to lack of dopamine. Try to get him out of there. At least he’s less shocked. My therapist once told me to be happier and get more self-esteem, you have to do things you can be proud of in the after. So a new hobby would not be a bad idea outside of sports. He can try out with instruments. It’s important that you don’t give up!
And now to your underweight. There are some apps that measure calories in the appstore. You can enter your size, weight and goal (and your friend) and then you can see how much calories you have to eat on the day. It is important that you both feed you healthy. The idea of simply exchanging your eating habits so that you take it, it decreases, is not a good idea and anyway badly implementable. Make sure you eat more than your calorie consumption in the calorie surplus, with healthy food. (Sometimes a Schoki isn’t bad). You can find out your calorie needs with the help of the app. It would also be good if you were looking for professional help, for example with a nutritionist 🙂
In fact, I am a big fan of tennis and badminton, a car we also have, so in theory we could just go on a nice empty field and just play a round. I’ll definitely say the idea.
Of course, I don’t want to forbid him chips and sweets, but he must realize the healthy stuff can also be delicious snacks and have the bonus that they are good for him.
With my weight this is a little different complicated, I have Hashimoto and gradually lose my thyroid gland, the process is somewhat different but basically you’re right and we both have to do similar things. :
I’m glad I could help 🙂 I’ve just read that you’ve already done the idea with the healthy snacks, but if chips are there, he’ll take them. But that’s not bad. These are still great successes and definitely better than eating chips as a snack. Go on! Look forward to the little successes and don’t set too big goals for you. This is the only way to get ahead. Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about Hashimoto, but there you are certainly already in treatment. I wish you two all the best! <=3
That’s good for you. You should just eat what your partner usually eats and eat what you usually eat. Then you take up and he takes off and then you both have healthy weight. But you have to encourage him to move and eat healthy. Go with him to the psychologist or the doctor.
It’s so easy. With me, a disease is responsible for my underweight, just eating more does not help.
We’ve both been in therapeutic treatment for a few years, he’s also getting medication, but the problems don’t disappear. Depression takes him any motivation that is the biggest problem in this situation.
Absolutely. In depression, you have to go to the psychologist. As long as you’re in control of your disease, I’m sure it’s all right. Do you even know what is responsible for his depression? Have you ever referred to him? That would be the best thing you can do.
He has clinical depression, for depression there is in the rarest cases a solid “base”, they arise due to lack of hormones (serotonin) in the brain. Mostly the brain is unable to produce these hormones in sufficient quantities, which is why most of them are prescribed antidepressants (which he gets). I have severe depression and both my partner and I are not only talking very openly about our psyche, but also both have been going to therapy for many years.
Talking openly about it and going against the disease is one, but the symptoms never go away. Depression often accompany you for a lifetime, even if you are in treatment. When you live and struggle so long, you often leave one of the courage and you get into a phase in which you leave the disease the upper hand because you lack the strength. At the moment it feels more like he’s sitting out the depressions because he lacks the energy.
Sport helps with depression, best in fresh air 🙂 Cycling, Inliner driving evt pp
Does he take pills to brighten up the mood?
It’s hard at all, whether you’re mentally ill or healthy, that doesn’t matter.
You have to overcome the pig dog.
I know you’re underweight, but I’m thinking about doing something together. It’s sporting.
I used to be very sporty, with new media I was made so hard. Nothing more went first, but after about two years I started again and started again….
He gets drugs, he’s been taking Sertralin for two years, and since that’s at least with his psyche it’s very good. I often try to persuade him to do sports with me, as I need the sport itself to make a muscle, but unfortunately I get him as good as never to do it 😕
He likes to swim, but he says himself that he is too ashamed of his body and to go to the outdoor pool or the achwimmhalle.
Yeah, I can feel everything.
Just like that. You are simply ashamed of yourself, and you can also get tired very quickly. What’s going on?
He can do a sample training. Is he working? If not it is best in the morning:) there are more the elders and also many mothers who try to get rid of the baby scarf.
Theoretically yes.
He can look at several fitness bars and find that there are not only MuckiMänner, but quite normal as he is one.
Yes he works, currently he is in reintegration because he has failed last year because of the disease.
I hope I can motivate him to accept my help, because we both have a similar problem.
Make him the suggestion that you both can start going to the gym, it motivates him if you are there.
Vlt you can motivate him to cook something healthy together with you or make something sport together. You could prepare him healthy things like fruit or vegetables instead of his unhealthy snacks.
In fact, I have often suggested that we can cook other things, but so far the proposal has never been good for him.
I try to prepare salads and vegetable snacks more and more at the moment, which also works very well in the meantime, but as soon as snacks are in the house (and they are always) the choice of course falls on it.