Sorgen um einen Freund?

Hallo, ein Freund von mir ist 17 Jahre alt, 1.53m groß und 80kg schwer und er ist früher in eine ziemliche Fressattacke gefallen und da hing er immer bei 75kg aber jetzt schon 80 mit einer BMI von 34,1 glaube. Ich mache mir echt Sorgen, habe schon überlegt mit ihm immer mal so 5-10km wandern zu gehen und auf gesunde Ernährung umzusteigen, meint ihr es ist noch möglich? Mache mir da echt Sorgen, weil er fühlt sich auch sehr schlecht und einfach verdammt unwohl in seinem Körper.

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1 year ago


Your altruistic approach is yours. I’m just saying thank you for that.

Now to you. You, it’s like a lot of people on Earth. You see suffering and can’t close it. That’s it.

My Vati once said, “Love, is useless to give what is really needed!”

If someone becomes more overweight, there are usually two reasons. Either you are physically or mentally ill.

Degrading the overweight is the natural and best way with physical exercise. That’s good. But what happens when you eat more, despite sports, as it is for the body of needs? If the cause is not a lack of movement? There are other causes. For example, a person is depressed. So depressed that he is looking for other solutions. Eat and drink, go fast.

We are not necessarily specialists in the field to find out the causes. What if, sometimes? Then we do not have the right and targeted concepts at the same time. If both of us were to suffer, it does not mean that the solutions are also accepted. And even then, there is no guarantee that they will also be implemented and are targeted.

If it is for everyday life to set up with you without having to change anything big, you can walk together. Try it.

If it works? Wonderful. If not, don’t be sad. Such conditions naturally override each individual. In society there are specialists and specialist areas that are specially qualified for this. The first person, as a contact person in the company, is your own doctor!

If he hasn’t been there yet? You can accompany him there if he wants. What if he doesn’t have one? Can you offer him, in his self-organization and self-responsibility, to help him find out a suitable doctor.

One thing I can promise you is that everyone bites their teeth. If one has no wishes for change? Never!

There’s all mues in vain.

I wish you success and I wish you what you wish!

1 year ago

Don’t be too late, go with him and force him to feed well

1 year ago

If you help him now and motivate him, he will be forever grateful to you

is never too late! Best start with gym