Sorgen machen um Alkoholkonsum?
desöfteren bekomme ich, vor allem nach dem Tag wo ich getrunken habe, Schuldgefühle über meinen Alkoholkonsum.
Ich bin noch minderjährig und betrinke mich mittlerweile jedes Wochenende 1-2 mal. Wenn ich daran denke, dass ich nächstes Wochenende zuhause bleibe und nichts mache, werse ich extremst unmotivert und frustriert.
Dazu muss ich aber sagen, dass ich mich meist immer beschränkt habe, also nicht so viel getrunken habe, bis es mir gar nicht mehr gut ging.
Wie schätzt ihr das ein?
And you don’t know what to do with you? Then you should worry about it and just leave your fingers off the alcohol. Maybe something you can do with you and your spare time without attacking the bottle. For minors, this action is more than annual.
AAs there are even special literature:
012 A message to teenagers 0.40
013 Young People and AA 0.90
014 Too young? 1,20
alcohol is used for anaesthetic feelings, by the way, the body still depends,
what you’re describing, I’m going to depend on a physical condition
a psychologist for support would be advised to you now, as it can only get worse at the end
Try it yourself. If you can do without alcohol for 6 weeks without constantly thinking about alcohol, you haven’t exceeded the limit yet.
but you are on the best way
That doesn’t sound good. To make so many thoughts about Alk or to drink Alk every weekend is not good. You should not only stay at home for 1 weekend and drink nothing, but for 3 weeks. Do something with the family, hobby, take care of your pet, do sports, do something for the school, but let the fingers of the alcohol.
That sounds bad.
Try a hobby or sport.