Sonnenbrillenbügel rund gebogen?
Bei meiner neuen Sonnenbrille sind die Bügel in einer geschwugenen Form nach außen gebogen, weshalb sehr viel Platz ziwschen Bügel und meinem Kopf ist, wenn ich sie trage – ist das normal?
Als Referenz habe ich meine normale Brille daneben gelegt.
Vielen Dank im Voraus! 🙂
Maybe you should have chosen a fewer broad glasses. If the frame front is too wide, there is nothing other than bending the temples as in the photo, because somehow the temple ends have to be brought closer to the ears. For good seat, of course, this is not the optimal one, I guess that this glasses will slide quite strongly, as it seems to be a little too big for you.
Hello Fabio3574,
You ask us if it’s normal that your sunglasses are so bent outwards, but also writes, it has been delivered.
Maybe it’s so wanted by the manufacturer, maybe the version is too big for you – your optician would have to tell you that.
Why do you buy glasses that are too big? She will never sit properly with this helpless attempt to bend the bow at the back of her head. If you have the option, give it back and find a narrower one.
I tried the glasses at an optician in the shop, the glasses are fine. It only doesn’t look good when you look from above, as the bows are curved outwards as described.
You can see that it is too wide for your head as a whole. That’s why the temples are so far away from the head. That’s what your optician should have told you about buying and selling a narrower one.
And I did not bend anything, the glasses were delivered so, so also the question whether this is normal
This can also happen if a frame bent at the front in the working condition is made by inserting correction glasses from the mold, becomes straighter and thus wider at the front. The original shape is then no longer given and the temples are unnaturally far from one another at the temples. Evtl. your optician has tried to balance this with bending at the ends, but does not use anything because it remains too wide in front and overall. If you were to try a stronger bending on the web, it influences the corrective effect because the spectacle lenses are then angled. That’s why in my Atwort my advice to return these glasses and take a narrower one.
I didn’t say you bent. Your optician will have adjusted the glasses. The vaulted bows are untypical in a frame that has little bending on the front, so I mean the bows have been shaped in such a way that the ends come in the direction of the ear to compensate for the width of the frame that is apparently too large for your head. There is no other way under such conditions. The comparison with your other glasses shows it.