Songs in Tabs umwandeln, Tipps?

Hallo zusammen,

ich würde gerne den ein oder anderen Song, wofür es noch keine Tabs/Notenblätter online gibt, durch das Hören aufschreiben. Anderst kann man es ja schwierig ordentlich machen. Gibt es da Tipps die beim aufschreiben der Tabs/Noten helfen? Z.B. Tempo herausfinden usw.

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3 months ago

Tabs are very similar. Everything you learn about writing notes and reading helps you. Only that the fingers are recorded instead of notes.

As far as Rhytmus is concerned, the neighborhoods are what you would punch with your foot on the song. Drops 2 to a quarter are eighths, three quarters, four sixteenths.

Normally, the speed in beats is between 100 and 180 bpm per minute. Normal rock songs, for example, around the 120-130. 120 bpm would be 2x foot knocks per second.

If you’re playing a pussy rhtymus, you’d make a knock-off and a hit, that’s to say, play an eighth. With Powerchords also often 2 knocks and when hits are added the 16th.