Son Goku in Dragonball Super?

Guten Hallo,

es ist lange her wo ich DBZ gesehen habe und ich schaue grade DB Super.

Meine Frage ist halt ob er schon immer so geistig benachteiligt war, weil ich hab dass ehrlich gesagt gar nicht mehr so in Erinnerung xd

und ja mein Gott, ich habe es davor nicht nochmal geschaut, da ich eh die Story kenne und zu viele Folgen halt..

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5 months ago

Son Goku has always been stupid and naive, even in Z and Classic, with the naivety and stupidity as a child more likely to forgive him:

  1. He cured Cell in the fight against Gohan.
  2. He didn’t want to defeat Buu at first because he was afraid to attract new opponents and wanted to remain dead. Nevertheless, he defeats Buu at the end and remains on earth.
  3. He spared Freezer.
  4. He spared Radditz.
  5. He spared Vegeta.
  6. He spared Piccolo.
  7. He lets Freezer use his entire power in the fight.

Goku has always been stupid and naive. It may not be noticed retrospectively, as his “dumb and naive” decisions have been rewarded at the end, as he e.g. Piccolo and Vegeta were able to win as allies that were later useful.

3 months ago

No he was a genius in DBZ ( would even be mentioned more times and proves e.g. In the cell arc perfected as Goku ssj) am no has By DBS but Goku have not been well managed

5 months ago

Goku is much dümmer in DBZ than in DBS, although many do not see it for nostalgic reasons.

5 months ago
Reply to  ainzWesen

He just got a little bit more childish in DBS. Still smarter than in DBZ.

5 months ago

Yes Son Goku has always been, let’s say special or stupid, like most Battle Shounen MC. You just think about Ruffy from One Piece.

Although in Super he appears to be still d caressing as usual. Even as Vegeta Bulma kisses and Son Goku asks so stupidly what he does, as a 2-Facher father and even though he kissed Chi Chi himself towards the end of Dragon Ball Classic.

5 months ago

He often got something against his head