Sollten wir zur D-Mark zurück?
Irgendwie ist der Euro doch eine halbe Katastrophe und ein gescheitertes Projekt europäischer George Washingtons.
Irgendwie ist der Euro doch eine halbe Katastrophe und ein gescheitertes Projekt europäischer George Washingtons.
Mutter bekommt das 3 Kind der Ehemann arbeitet Welche staatlichen Leistungen stehen der Mutter zu Verfügung ?
Dort wo die Prägestätte eingeprägt ist, ist kein Buchstabe sondern nur ein Punkt (ausgefüllter kreis). Könnte das eine Fehlprägung sein?
Die einen suggerieren, die Bezüger würden sich auf Kosten des Staates ein Leben im puren „Luxus“ finanzieren lassen. Die anderen suggerieren, man könne nichts mehr essen, wäre vom verhungern bedroht… Warum kann man es nicht einfach als das sehen, was es ist?! Warum wird soviel interpretiert?
Könnt ihr mir beim Zuordnen helfen? Ich soll die Fotos den verschiedenen Großlandschaften der USA zuordnen. Kennt sich hier jemand aus? Weiß jemand, wo was ist? Das letzte Bild müsste “Appalachen” sein, finde ich. Das vorletzte Bild müsste “Great Lakes” sein. …
Also im Alltag.
Halt welche Werte vertraten sie und was war ihr Feindbild.
No, but we should be holy. Resurrect nation. Then we would have Austria, Switzerland and Northern Italy in the sack and everyone would have 1489 basic income per month.
Anyone who asks for it should be told that there is no return to the D-Mark. It is possible to introduce a new currency, which is randomly the same name, and which, like any new currency, would have to prove.
“which, like any new currency, would have to prove.”
Lovely word game:3
I only noticed after that, it wasn’t intended.
Let’s say we kept the D-Mark, what would it bring us in the current situation? Do you really think the price structure would have been stable? It may not be aware of Ihenen, but also the D-Mark has suffered well. In 2001, the DM had only a quarter of its original value, which she had in 1949.
Own currency and own central bank. The ECB does not dedicate more than inflation.
Your failed project has only benefited the German economy. And you too. You fly on holiday: the euro is accepted everywhere. No exchange fees within monetary union. Our exports are almost without risk due to the euro within the EU. No too strong DMark…
I think we should return to a national currency, whatever you may call it. In export rankings we continue to decrease and also in economic growth. The euro is not good for Germany. He could be good, but for that it needs currency guards who earn this title. They make sure to act economically, to keep the price level of the euro stable – which has been shot into the wind since 2007/2008.
You may look at the gold price or real estate prices since 2007 and say again that inflation is due to corona and war. And if you have a national currency, you will have control, otherwise you will be delivered to the ECB’s action.
However, it is unjustly necessary to return to economic activity. Still more money pumping, still more taxes, still new taxes, higher taxes – that won’t go so well for long.
e.g. German goods abroad would be too expensive, the export economy is designed for the euro and benefits greatly
Would you like to make the “half catastrophe” and the failed project a little closer?
The project “United States of Europe” (the euro as a single currency is a building block) where the EU is to develop more and more de facto has failed or failed. could never fail because this bullshit was for the paper ton of the first day. The whole European fanatics simply tend to the history and cultures of the old Europe with their European dreams. There will never be a single language, no semi-uniform national consciousness, nor anything else that defines a state and its people of state and holds together. From me, this EU can be completely disintegrated today than tomorrow and disappear into nowhere.
For the European nation states, the European Union is highly toxic!
Nevertheless, the introduction of the euro was a risk.
If we want our (export) economy completely to the knee f****, we should definitely return to the D-Mark.
Small-spirited people constantly seek simple answers to complex problems. Solutions for today’s problems will not be found with ideas from yesterday.
What brings you a strong export economy if you have brought down the economy in Germany (e.g. by immense energy costs that have to be bought expensively from abroad). You will also kill the export business. Just think.
But that the economy in the country “is brought down” has nothing to do with reality, sorry. This is just what people tell each other about the regular table and donate each other.
Otherwise, the economy would collapse completely.
That wouldn’t do anything anymore.