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Hallo hat jemand Quellen, wo man gut strukturierte Erörterungen lesen kann? Ich habe morgen einen Test zur freien dialektischen Erörterung und finde im Internet keine passenden Beispieltexte. Ich suche nach guten Satzstrukturen oder geeignete Satzanfänge für die Argumentationen ; falls jemand Tipps, wäre ich sehr dankbar! Vielen Dank!
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I think no. It may have certain advantages, but if I imagine that my language, which has been living for centuries by big and small writing, is suddenly only known in the name of great writing, by means of numerous words whose meaning can only be different by large or small writing, only being understood in the context, then I see that there is more frustration than enlightenment coming to us.
In the Danish, the nouns were also raised earlier. In 1948, there was a legislative reform that ended the Grand Speech. I don’t know how long the Danes did this.
In the case of Denmark, I suspect that this is also related to the history of writing. Influence from Germany in the context of the Reformation, nouns were large in Denmark from 1650 onwards and, as in all Scandinavia, German currencies were used alongside Latin writing. By ministerial decision, in 1875, the current (gotisk skrift) was removed from the school apprenticeship in favour of the “latinsk skrift”. The reform of 1948 also concerned the so-called Bolle-å, which replaced the writing of Aa/aa, even though it already existed in 1541 for the first time in the Gustav-Vasa-Bibel near Schwabacher Frakturschrift. … In Denmark, the β was used up to 1800.
German is originally related to Enlisch, but ultimately its own language, and there is no reason in German to take over the rules and customs of English.
I think it is best to follow the example of Denmark. There, until 1945, there were the same big-small-werwarr as in the Germans, and then it was decided, as in Sweden, Norway and Iceland, to write consistently small, apart from the beginning of the sentence and with own names.
The assertion of German legal reformers* that this was not in the German is in my view bare nonsense, but what do you want to expect from “Germanists*en” who think “at the moment” and “partly” should retain their different spellings, and elaborate/useful is OK?
The spelling is very helpful when reading. You can read more quickly at a glance when you see where the nuns are. There is no mistakes at all (the flea ≠ someone who fled). This is particularly important, since the German has many possibilities of wording in the sentence.
That’s how most people know it would be unnecessary.
The spelling can be called a kind of unique feature of the German language.
Why would you give it up?
The German has developed so well, and that’s good.
No, I don’t think, because then we’d have to learn about it, that noms, etc. are suddenly written small. 😅😂
LG Maike
Well, that’s hardly a difficult thing. It certainly takes only a few time to get used to that you hardly need the finger for the big button.
This is probably similar to driving with nem automatikwagen but the lyrics can be read harder I hate it always if here on gf people are too lazy (just too lazy?) to be great if they then make grammatical and other spelling errors (what is the case with at least 50% of the user) it will be criminal you can even if the character setting is still lacking to understand what they actually want to say
That’s how we all learned it, and 99% are definitely here.
99% born here?
it’s like
Otherwise we would have to learn everything again.
Just no.
German to stay
Best to write anything small except name…
Why should you?