Sollten Tampons& Binden in allen öffentlichen Toiletten kostenlos sein?
Schottland hat als erstes Land der Welt sich verpflichtet Menstruationsartikel für alle Menschen kostenlos anzubieten.
In jeder öffentlichen Toilette finden Männer, Agender Menschen, Non-Binarys etc Menstruationsartikel für ihre Periode.
In Deutschland hat nur Hamm (NRW) kostenlose Menstruationsartikel eingeführt.
Menschen die Periodieren werden durch Tampons&Binden kaufen finanziell benachteiligt.
Periodenartikel kosten im Laufe des Lebens sicher mehrere Tausend €.
Sollten Tampons& Binden in allen öffentlichen Toiletten kostenlos sein?
The group with the greatest purpose, the women, would have been much more targeted here in my eyes, but okay…
You can cost a lot of money. They don’t have to. It is a question of what one wants and needs. Theoretically, you could also get some menstrual stages in life. The woman begins to menstru with 10 and it ends with 60 (and you notice… that’s a much too far time). If you buy a new menstruation cup for 20 € every 5 years we come here to 200 € for lifelong menstruation products. It’s possible.
It would be even cheaper if you simply sew washable fabric packs yourself. Remnants are actually getting everywhere, the whole thing still needs needles and a few feathers and can be washed out quite normally. If you’re the guy for that.
The main cost factor in this is actually the throwaway tampons and throwing-aways… and I don’t see why the state should still finance over-exposed luxury needs of its population. If you have the things WILL then nobody stands in the way… but you should pay them yourself.
The only EQUIPMENT in which in my eyes there is a real reason for an exception are homeless women with few good washes. But their number is so small in Germany that it would be more absurd to spend free or heavily cost-reduced menstrual products on this CONKRETE group instead of putting a rule for ALL women into the world. Or even all public toilets, where there would be a lot of fun and the free tampons would be put into the toilet.
Have consciously left women to show that other sexes can menstrue/periodate
Only women can “period”. The other sex is not.
But only women can get their period
So you deliberately discriminate against all women?
‘Period’ is not there.
And leaving women distorts the sentence to the extent that ONLY the said ‘sailors’ would find the corresponding products. I mean… well, most men will be able to find them, but they will have very little use for it.
If I look at the handling of products on public toilets, rather no. Then it is likely that everything is quickly taken as a help to clog, or the products are no longer usable, because a joke cookie has allowed itself to have fun and has polluted everything that was there with ties or tampons. Next, the bags are full of the fact that the rest has nothing more like the disinfection dispensers at hospitals at the beginning of the pandemic. Even if it’s just to keep selling it.
Menstruation products can be offered because of me, but then in the machine where you can pay for it and not for free
No, it’s not worth anything.
There are only men and women. Things in the mind and in the believed or lived identity etc are not of concern for the sex.
And since only women would get their period the women’s toilet would be completely rich
So women. I’d like to give biological help.
Well, bad luck. Those who wear glasses or contact lenses sometimes have financial extra costs.
Just like spectacle wearers or people who shave. Money is there to buy what you need or want.
I can only speak for myself, I want to buy these things myself.
Yes, but then also in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic and 2000 km.
I wouldn’t mind
Are you starting to recycle the questions from your previous account? Just read the answers there again.
Something nonsensical, because half of all people don’t need it.
It would be important for (biological) women, not for men. No matter how to identify yourself sexually.
Let me say it like this: why is this really big debate? Why don’t you put a box of tampons and bandages on the ladies’ room? Think that many women don’t have a problem with it, and I don’t care about it as a man.
The state has to give away obligations other than hygiene articles.
Everyone else comes with special wishes, what the state is supposed to finance…
I see it right in front of me: freshly filled up, no later than five minutes later. Who comes first ground first.