Sollten Krokodile zu den Vögeln gezählt werden?
Man sagt sie sind mit Vögeln viel enger verwandt als mit Reptilien. Sie teilen sogar den gleichen Vorfahren mit den “Vögeln”: Dinosaurier, Flugsaurier und Krokodile stammen alle vom gleichen Vorfahren ab.
No, crocodiles are not birds. It is true that crocodiles are more closely related to birds than to all other “reptia”. Therefore, the birds would have to be put to the “reptia” because without the birds the creeps become a paraphylum. The monophylum from classical creepages including the birds is called Sauropsida. “Reptilien” is a term that therefore no longer exists in systemicism. There are only soropsides and among them are a) sorrow lizards (Lepidosauria), b) turtles (Testudines), c) armored lizards (Crocodylia) and d) birds (Aves).
Crocodiles and birds both belong to the group of Archosauriers. This group also includes dinosaurs and flight sourcing. Crocodiles are therefore closer to birds than to other reptiles. This is because they share a common ancestor.
In the systematics of living beings there are various ways to form groups. One possibility is to take account of relations. In this case, groups are formed which contain all descendants of a common ancestor. These groups are referred to as monophyla.
Another possibility is to form groups based on external features. In this case, animals with similar characteristics are placed in a group, regardless of their actual relationship. These groups are called paraphyla.
The traditional classification of reptiles is an example of a paraphylum. In this classification, crocodiles together with lizards, snakes and turtles are called reptiles. However, the birds are not counted to the reptiles.
However, if one takes account of the relationship, the birds should actually be counted to the reptiles. Without the birds, the reptiles become a paraphylum. In order to avoid this, a new grouping was proposed: the soropsides.
The soropsids are a monophylum containing all descendants of a common ancestor. Sauropsids include classical reptiles and birds. There are various subgroups within the Sauropsiden: Schuppenechsen (Lepidosauria), turtles (Testudines), armored lizards (Crocodylia) and birds (Aves).
In this classification, crocodiles are not counted to the birds. However, they are closer to the birds than to other reptiles.
Under the command of the common ancestors, you only have to go far enough back, best on the individual billions of years ago. Then we also count among the birds 🙄
But as relatives you can already call reptiles and birds. They both belong to Archosauria.
Just because there was a common ancestors, they are not the same for a long time…
Or how was that again with man and monkey?!
Man and monkey are both mammals.
Right, right. I think it was a gate of my own.
I looked again, and it says that the common ancestor is the Archosauria, which, in turn, has developed again in flight sourcing and dinosaurs.
Therefore, it is at least plausible for me that birds are viewed separately.
The fact that birds are not counted to the reptiles has historical reasons and serves for clarity in general language use. There are always such exceptions. For example, we would have to count all the arrogant fish because we all come from a ancestor who was a fish. In addition, ants and bees are not counted to the wasps and people are not to the monkeys, although otherwise they are clearly part of the respective group.
soropsida is the monophyletic group you are looking for. This is where the birds belong.
“Reptilien” are a paraphylum, that means they no natural are monopheletic groups, precisely because they do not include the birds.
No relationship does not mean identity. The crocodiles rarely have feathers and extra-ballistic flying properties.
The descent alone is not a good reason for me to count precisely this species with their completely different properties at once among the bird-like animals.
The biological system, however, aims precisely to reflect the actual relationship in the family tree of life. And here the thing is clear: crocodiles are closer to the birds than lizards, snakes or turtles.
I’m not going to tell my children that crocodiles are birds.
Crocodiles are not birds either. 😉 But also no reptiles, because there are no reptiles.