Sollten Kinder Brom herstellen?
Hallo. Mein geborenes Kind hat mich am heutigen Tag gefragt, ob es in seinem Zimmer Brom herstellen kann. Er verfügt über einen Destillationsapperat und einige Chemikalien. Soll ich es tun?
Was hat die unterschiedliche Endung bei Benzodiazepinen zu bedeuten? Worin unterscheiden sich Benzodiazepine mit der “lam”-Endung (z.B. Midazolam, Alprazolam etc.) von denen, die mit “pam” (z.B. Diazepam, Lorazepam, Bromazepam etc.) enden?
Hallo, ich hänge hier etwas! Ich komme nicht auf den prozentualen Anteil, der einer der möglichen Ergebnisse ist. Falls wer helfen kann, dankesehr 🙂
Hey, ich habe ein älteres Mikroskop Set geschenkt bekommen und hier sind die Batterien ausgelaufen. Wie kann ich die entfernen ohne mich irgendwie zu ätzen? Reichen Handschuhe oder könnte das auch giftige Gase auslösen? Wo kann ich die entsorgen?
Kann mir jemand bitte den Zusammenhang erklären?
Danke voraus
Hello ich schreibe übermorgen eine Klassenarbeit und unsere Lehrerin hat uns per E-mail die Themen geschickt. Ich checke bei manchen Sachen trotzdem irgendwie nicht was sie meint. Zu anderen Stichpunkten finde ich die Antworten in unseren Schulbüchern nicht. Kann mir jemand helfen?? Ich kopiere euch ein paar Sachen aus der Mail: 1) Ionenbildung (welche Ionen…
Yes, absolutely. Bromo is important, so important that there is an extra button (π) for the density of bromine even on each calculator.
I knew I’d do it.
Just wait until it’s an unborn child. Then it can’t hurt. Your child must also have an antitachyon reactor and knows how to use it.
“Brom calms.” The doctor said in the emergency room to one of my colleagues who had received bromine.
Bromma with a destilation nude, well, I would like to know how to go.
By the way, bromine is both toxic and corrosive and does not belong to children’s hands.
Too bad, I thought I’d do it.
Without deduction or very good ventilation a very bad idea.
Too bad, I thought I’d do it.
since your child is only five and you seem to have hardly any knowledge of chemistry and safe work you should not have the synthesis of bromine.
Not yet convinced?
Bromo is poisonous, highly corrosive and causes painful wounds that only hard cure. That is why work must be done at least with safety goggles, laboratory coats, gloves and in the trigger.
In addition, today’s experimental boxes no longer synthesize the necessary chemicals for bromine.
My kid did it anyway. Now in the whole apartment is red sauce, which even tastes very good
Just leave it.
I have no idea what you’re talking about
It’s a little weird that you’re still going to a gymnasium, but (probably) have a 5 year old child…
I don’t believe you anymore…
The whole thing is a huge troll…
on the way I’m not aware.
You realize there’s someone who has never seen a lab from the inside.
However, bromine can actually be prepared from bromine salts and oxidizing agents.
What shouldn’t be helpful?
Not helpful.
Don’t worry, the questioner is brand indestructible or someone of the Trollt ð
That’s why my contribution. Laboratory not seen from inside. 😆
I used to have a chemical box with which you could do such experiments! The little one should wear protective coat and safety goggles and if unusual sounds come out of the room, look.
I knew I’d do it.
Are you an elephant?
If your child is full-year, why not?
It is five.
Better not.
Looks like that.
I have heard that criminals secretly communicate about code words that are included in ordinary forum contributions, for example. Maybe this is a case.
I swallowed that pill of that Latin prophet to feel like a person from Rome known as Ceasar
Whatever you took, take less.
Why, that kid has already proved powerful joy?