Sollten ins Gehäuse zusätzliche Lüfter rein?

Hallo Leute!

Wenn die CPU mit Luftkühlung ausgestattet ist, wären die zusätzlichen Lüfter für das Gehäuse vorteilhaft für die gesamte Kühlung?

Gemeint sind die PC´s, die Dubaro anbietet und bei der Konfiguration kann man zusätzliche Lüfter für das Gehäuse dazubauen lassen. – Ich hoffe, Ihr seid mit Dubaro vertraut und könnt meine Absichten und die Frage verstehen.

Danke für all die kommenden Antworten!

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3 months ago

The great advantage of more fans is that they can then also move as much air at a lower speed as a single fan on full thrust. And the development of noise depends on the speed.

In principle, a PC can be cooled with a single fan, which presses air out of the housing at the top. It will then often have to run on full tours and develop accordingly noise. In addition, the higher temperatures in the interior of the computer lead to the fact that the fans of CPU and graphics card also have to move more air for the same cooling power, i.e. also run faster and thus louder.

On the other hand, if you have 3 fans, the front/bottom pure pusten and 2 fans pusten out at the top/back, you probably already move more air at 40% fan speed and listen to the fans hardly… at the same time have lower temperatures inside, which is why CPU and graphics coolers run slower and quieter.

3 months ago


at least one fan should be installed in the housing. This then serves as an intake. Ideally, there is another fan for the outtake. Another intake fan is also not harmful and recommended.
All fans then arranged according to the airflow. The cool air in the front and out the warm air at the top.


3 months ago

You need at least one that cleanses fresh air and carries one of the warm air out