Sollten Ikea Mitarbeiter schwedisch sprechen?
Ich war neulich zum ersten mal bei Ikea weil ich mit stolzen 40 Jahren nun endlich von zuhause ausgezogen bin (verurteilt mich nicht). Ich bin absoluter Schwedenfan und beherrsche auch die schwedische Sprache. Auf jeden Fall bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass ein schwedischer Laden auch schwedische Mitarbeiter beschäftigt und bestellte daher meine Köttbullar auf schwedischer Sprache. Zu meinem Erstaunen verstand mich der Mitarbeiter aber nicht. Peinlich berührt wiederholte ich meine Bestellung auf deutsch. Danach bin ich nach Hause gefahren.
Findet ihr nicht auch, dass die Mitarbeiter der schwedischen Sprache mächtig sein sollten? Allein nur um die Authentizität zu waren.
Tack schonmal im Voraus!
So before setting a new MA this would have to get a language course in Swedish first? Only in Germany over 20,000 people work for Ikea…
And when we start at Ikea, we look at other companies that have their headquarters in other countries?
To shorten: The language is always the one spoken in each country.
I pay the Swedish course
For all employees? Bullshit.
If you have the money for 20,000 people, go ahead.
Ikea not only operates in Sweden, which is why the national languages are spoken in the countries where it is still available. It’s quite right if you ask me. Lidl or Aldi are not speaking German in China or Spain.
Should they be
No, I’m sure they have to be able to speak our language. Or are they talking English in Mc Donald?
Why should Ikea sellers here in Germany can be Swedish? I think the least of Sweden are going to Germany to buy their furniture here. And only because significantly fewer than 1% of customers can get Swedish and want to talk about it when shopping, this effort is certainly not worth it.
Moreover, most of Sweden speaks English, better than we can on average.
How about German. You’re in this country. You can order your food in Chinese as well.
Actually, yes. They always look forward to
you seem to be a language genius, because you still learn Greek, you can also learn the troll language
The probability that you happen to speak Mandarin is so low that I may call you spontaneously as a liar. :
Perhaps, but in the China restaurant, Chinese people who dominate the language usually work. At Ikea in Germany, Swedish employees will be more rare.
I shouldn’t have been writing, I’m just embarrassing myself. I’m sorry again
I am 40 but I am sorry you are completely right
Or that the Asian Mandarin workers speak. XD
“Friends.” You shouldn’t lead that to adults. Always inappropriate, whether there is a disagreement.:)
this is a serious accusation my friend
Is a funny idea, but then IKEA could probably close almost all the shops because they don’t find enough people who want to speak Swedish and work there. In Europe, there may be a couple of isolated people left open, but in Hong Kong, for example, this will certainly be even harder for IKEA, then finding suitable staff.
People in Chinese VW work will not all speak fluently German, just because it is a German company.
It’s not different in other companies.
good argument
I think that’s authentic and it was my thought.
But it’s not possible. I also do not think that the employees want to have a Swedish course (although I find the Swedish language really cool and they like it very much).
Nee, would you expect all employees to speak German in an aldi in the USA?
Hmm yes there you have a point
No, I don’t think so.
Not everyone working at MC Donalds speaks American. Jeg synes det he ikke nødvendig.
Why is Norwegian talking to me? XD
Är svenska bättre för dig? xD
Because you can Swedish xD
For mange ä og ö..römm tömm🤣💀
no, in mcdonalds no one has to speak English
No, if I work at the Döner, I don’t have to be Turkish or Chinese to eat at the Chinese
IKEA offers services, no more
hmm ja ok
You can’t Turkish?
In Sweden. No.
No, I can’t.
At McDonalds, no American English is spoken by personnel.
We are in Germany and I would like to be addressed and served in German.
If I buy a dungeon, I don’t have to understand or speak Turkish as a customer.
Hmm but Ikea marketes through the Swedish lifestyle
Mäcces markets the American way of life of fast food!!!
Totally bullshit!
Where the group originates is completely insignificant, the employees are supposed to master the national language of the customers perfectly in word and writing.
Or do you expect German knowledge from employees of the VW Group in Brazil and the USA???
Not applicable
In the German branches, German employees now work, and that they cannot be Swedish is completely normal. It is important that they can communicate with German-speaking customers.
If you want to order your food in Swedish, make holiday in Sweden.
H&M employees would also have to speak Swedish.
Nice story.
I also order in the Chinese restaurant in Chinese, Thai and Turkish.
I master 10 languages fluent in word and writing
No, we don’t. German is spoken in Germany.
Age Swede
You know you live in Germany, right?