Sollten Eltern deren Kinder immer vorhalten was andere Kinder machen und erreicht haben?

Was ist eure Meinung dazu?


,,Schau dir XY an”

,,Der studiert was machst du?”

,,Der hat eine Freundin und du?”

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2 years ago

In principle, it is not advisable to compare a person with another person, since this can quickly trigger a drastic reaction and thus the intended learning effect will not occur.

However, the discussion should be conducted at an objective and age-appropriate level to find out possible reasons for the behaviour.

This is usually the longer and more strenuous way and is therefore not used. This, in turn, often results in a “saturation” from the point of view of the requesting person being achieved in the short term or only superficially, but more damage is done in the long term than a benefit can be claimed.

In short:

  • with the performance of other comparison No
  • if it is pure laziness then Yes
2 years ago

Sometimes. The intention and age would be important to know.

In principle, I find this action bad, as it reduces the motivation and self-esteem. The younger the child, the more painful it usually becomes (of course this is also very hurting in older people and can have even worse effects).

In rare cases, however, this is a kind of “A.-Tritt” and can stimulate the child. How educationally valuable this is, I’ll leave open. The fact is, in very rare cases, it can create motivation for people who want to change something, and create a change of sense with the person.

2 years ago

Not in any case, but especially children are those that parents “project” their friends if they want to enforce their will.

The xy has a new bike and I don’t. Children still have the better nerves, so that such behaviors use parents as well as their children.

2 years ago

Sometimes it makes sense to keep the child or teenager in mind that it can go too much.

But just to harass the child or teenager should not be chosen this kind of criticism.

2 years ago

Their own children are their own children and not the other child.

2 years ago

I’ll find out, but there are exceptions. I think age plays a role. As a small incentive to a school-aged child, I still think it’s okay. In adults, people who receive from their parents in retrospect, I find next. Short example: A friend of mine was recently 30. The parents were invited to the birthday. At some point, the mother mentioned having met an old school friend of her son who would have achieved so much. At some point, the father also sounds, and together, the two might have gone wrong (before all people).

2 years ago

It’s annoying. Isn’t that right now that this would motivate me to study. At best, it makes me a bad conscience because my parents would be disappointed.

2 years ago

How does education take place? To give the child unlimited freedom? No. Well, you have to make some pressure. If you don’t want to educate your children, you shouldn’t bear them.

2 years ago
Reply to  TreuZuGott333

With such comments you only generate inferiority complexes etc. If from the child nothing will have failed in most cases parents.

2 years ago
Reply to  Belle91559

That’s right. But education is important and complete freedom is sometimes not education.

2 years ago

When it comes to children…… no one should tell or pretend to his child, because…

each child is different and learns according to his possibilities.

There must also be craftsmen in the future, not only studied people.