Sollten alle Drogen frei zugänglich zu kaufen sein?
Jeder Mensch ist seines eigenen Glückes Schmied und sollte das Recht haben sich mit jeglicher Art von Substanzen zu berauschen.
Man kann ja immer noch eine Altersbegrenzung wie bei Alkohol machen.
Jeder Mensch ist seines eigenen Glückes Schmied und sollte das Recht haben sich mit jeglicher Art von Substanzen zu berauschen.
Man kann ja immer noch eine Altersbegrenzung wie bei Alkohol machen.
Frage an die Raucher macht ihr das auch ?
Meine Frage ist welche droge macht so gefühle also dopamin im gehirn wie der orgasmus? Bitte um antwort!
Hey, ich will Filme kaufen und überlege nun, in welchem Format ich diese am besten kaufen sollte. Ich besitze einen 55″ großen OLED Fernseher und keine extra Soundanlage. Ich sitze knapp 2,5m vom Fernseher entfernt. So möchte ich mir unter anderem die The Last of Us Serie kaufen und überlege diesbezüglich. Wohlbemerkt nutze ich den…
Ich möchte mal den Spitzkegeligen Kahlkopf suchen. Gibt es gefährliche/tödliche Arten, die man mit einem SKKK verwechslen könnte?
I would do it like this:
Things that happen in nature and grow immediately legalize, it is already really bizarre things that grow in nature
Do not necessarily completely legalize the rest, but decriminalize it in smaller quantities (similar to Portugal or soon Canada). Drug Checking Stände und scheite (!) Enlightenment that would have helped a lot
I don’t think it’s going to happen in the next 20 years, but Germany is still very medieval about this, only the cannabis is still not legally legal yet says everything, you just look at the drug officers, that’s a shame that someone is sitting there.
I am quite sure that every substance should be able to be obtained in a clean and legal manner, but I find that free access is too far for all adults. A completely or almost unregulated market would probably be more dangerous for consumers and society than a knit regulated market. Under the term “Paradox of Prohibition” this idea has been in discussion since the 80s.
There are people who specifically think this graphic is misleading.
As I imagined, I had carried out this:
What is a sensible drug policy?,
… and the drug dealers deserve a golden ass…
Do you think the dealers will go on in the dark? – People would get drugs to keep buying them. Labile people would be covered with drugs. It would be Sodom and Gomorrah with us. And also people who would otherwise fight drugs would be endangered because the dealers want to make their money with it.
No, thanks. I wouldn’t want to live in such a world.
There are no dealers anymore…because legal and free of charge.
They’re “sellers.” But every seller wants to increase its sales and profit. This would be IMMER at the expense of the health of all people.
and you ignore all the rest?
Hello, cough juice698.
An age limit should definitely be there I agree.
Whether drug use is to be released is a two-edged sword.
In a certain category, I would definitely agree, because I am convinced that crime would fall.
That is what I do not want to say.
Greetings, Renate.
Hello, cough juice698. Thank you for your review.
Definitely no. This always sounds nice and good, but the pro argumentation quickly comes down as soon as the search potential of the individual substances is concerned. Alcohol and meth, you can just compare zero. What would probably be the best argument for this would be that drug crime could be severely suppressed. However, you have to observe this first, to really see if it was really so strongly inhibited.
That’s right, everyone can thrive, the government doesn’t have to worry about it anymore. However, I would set the age limit to 75 years if they hit the dealer with their parents.
Definitely. The state looked at taxpayers and, as Darwin knows, the rest of himself regulates.
The least are able to realistically estimate medical doses and effects.
Therefore, for example, medicines are also subject to prescription and cannot be sold freely.
No. The risk of dependence on, for example, morphine is now a completely different caliber than alcohol. If we were to actually legalize everything and make it freely available, we would most likely move in a very short time in a world of morphists, meth-snuffers and crack smokers.
Definitely not!
Only when I read the many questions of 14-year-olds who want to bang with “Tilidine” and somehow get to the stuff, I feel bad about the idea that all drugs are freely available.
You can set an age limit of 18 hundred times, children and young people will also try out everything possible and become addicted to some extent.
And all drugs are called crack, heroin, cocaine, and everything else. A whole population of drug users? No, thanks.
Yes, of course. 🍃☃️
Now safe is coming back all the people who still drink alcohol and do not say no. Double mortal
Did you get the right one to put a glass shard in your neck because you’re so “expressed”?
Are you paying the additional personnel costs of the rescue staff, lawyers and hospitals?
When will the emergency ambulance get the required 10+ additional shock rooms that rescue the overdoses and suicide attempts?
If you weren’t gonna bother others, I wouldn’t care.
We just had it here:
My opinion: No!