Sollte sich der Partner finanziell an der Antibabypille beteiligen?


Was haltet ihr davon?

Meine Meinung:
Definitiv, Ja! Gerade, wenn nur mit der Pille verhütet wird, sollte sich das Paar die Kosten für die Pille teilen.

Und Männer: Seid euren Freundinnen dankbar, dass sie die Pille nehmt. Es ist nicht nur eine Tablette, die sie sich jeden Tag reindrückt. Es macht soo viel mit ihr und ihrem Körper. Das müsst ihr euch vor Augen halten.


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3 months ago

Hello, I (w/30) always pay such things (as well as certain hygiene agents) and personally see no reason to appeal to a man. – Best regards, Imke =)

3 months ago

This depends a little on the situation when both partners have agreed on the pill, then it should be done together. But if the woman says she wants to take the pill, I don’t see it.

And quite provocative question: What about condoms? Shouldn’t the woman take part?
This would probably even be more favourable and would possibly not mess with the hormone balance. (That’s a bit overshot written!)

3 months ago

It’s difficult to answer. My friend and I have agreed to it together, but as we live together, I spent the few euros every 3 months, is not much now, and in some way it was compensated for other costs. We haven’t looked behind every euro and we don’t have to split everything fifty-five.

Otherwise, I think it should be cleared out each pair. Perhaps only the partner will take care of it, because he (more) earns money, or the partner as she earns money, or sometimes so etc.

3 months ago

Both partners should clarify how they think it is right. There is no universally correct yes or no for all couples.

Personally, I never demanded that my wife be involved in the condoms, or that the whole thing counts exactly. In the end, however, we share the cost of living. It also includes prevention.

3 months ago

No, this is your responsibility and your body. All my exes took the pill and I would laugh if they wanted money.

3 months ago

There is no right or wrong or should.

There’s only what’s right for the respective couple and what they want to do.

If a couple can’t agree on this, they should reconsider the whole relationship.

Besides, you see that too easy. She shouldn’t stop taking the pill just because the partnership might have gone into the breaks and only start with the next man. This is really bad for the body.

But who do you finance the “transition time”?

3 months ago
Reply to  LilKos97

Then everything is wonderful.

Everything that happens between two (or more) partners and with which ALL parties agree is also fine. You don’t have to ask how others do it or if others find it good or bad.

3 months ago

And I generally replied to AND even to you. Multitasking!

3 months ago

Depends. If I were to live at the minimum of existence and depended on him to give part of it, then yes. Otherwise, the few Euros would really be too embarrassing to divide them up accurately every month. Maybe I’ll be invited to dinner or get flowers or…

Apart from that, I personally do not find the pillle at all good, but that was not the starting question.