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2 years ago

When you ask this question you have to look at many different aspects.

Animal welfare

The posture conditions are not compatible with animal welfare, as also 5 sqm more Paltz do not help. Also “free running chicken due ann in a factory hall picking each other to death is no option.


Vegan is not really healthy even if you can compensate for one or other malnutrition.

But the meat stressed diet of the Germans is even more unhealthy than vegan.

The Sunday roast from earlier should be introduced again and otherwise eat meatless.

But it is not just about meat, but also about eggs and milk. These are harder to replace than the carving on the plate. If the result is that less and less people cook at home because the ingredients are too expensive, this would also be negative for health.

Climate protection

Contrary to the usual assertion, animal husbandry is always co2 neutral. Only through mass livestock farming, which subsequently results in feed imports, livestock farming becomes a climate problem.

But there are already experimental plants by filtering out the stal air, which concentrates methane and is sold as biogas, that would not be possible in the case of free-land storage.

Bad earning

Should we come back to the time when only the nobility could afford flesh and not the people?


We need to find a way to feed more regional, seasonal and low-meat.

In the discussion, I find animal welfare primarily important and this is not compatible with mass animal husbandry of today.

2 years ago

When is it mass livestock? 20 cows, 50 cows, 100 cows.

Is the cows in a stable with 100 cows worse than 20 cows?

I have 20 cows. I’m old. When I was young, 20 cows were a lot.

Is it a difference whether a potato farmer has 5 hectares or 50 hektar?

For me, nature has been important all my life. I’ve been a NABU member for a long time. I’m a hobby. But farmers must be able to live from their work. If we want to protect nature and animal welfare, it must also be paid.

For example, I find it bad that 1 million hectares of corn are grown in Germany for biogas plants. This brings about 1 – 2% of the total energy consumption of Germany. You could easily save 1 – 2% and have 1 million hectares for nature.

2 years ago
Reply to  BerndBauer3

Wikipedia: Massentierhaltung ist so definiert:

Die Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) definiert intensive Tierhaltung als Systeme, in denen weniger als 10 % der Futtertrockenmasse dem eigenen Betrieb entstammt und in denen die Besatzdichte 10 Großvieheinheiten pro Hektar betrieblicher landwirtschaftlicher Nutzfläche übersteigt.[1]

Gemäß verschiedener Richtlinien wie der 85/337/EWG über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung bei bestimmten öffentlichen und privaten Projekten unterliegen auch landwirtschaftliche Betriebe einem umweltschutzrechtlichen Überprüfungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren. Als Grenzwerte nennt das deutsche Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung, mit der die EU-Richtlinie in nationales Recht übernommen wurde, bei Anlagen zur Intensivhaltung oder -aufzucht von Geflügel oder Schweinen als Grenzwert 40.000 Plätze für Geflügel, 3.000 Plätze für Mastschweine (über 30 kg), 900 Plätze für Sauen und bei intensiver Aquakultur eine Produktionskapazität von 1000 t Fisch oder Muscheln pro Jahr.[2] Zudem wird der Viehbesatz vom Gesetzgeber durch mehrere Vorschriften, wie etwa im Düngemittelgesetz und nachfolgenden Regelungen begrenzt. Der Anhang 1 zur Verordnung über genehmigungsbedürftige Anlagen enthält in Ziffer 7 ebenfalls Grenzwerte, ab denen eine besondere Genehmigung erforderlich ist.[3]

2 years ago

The term mass animal husbandry does not say anything about the posture conditions. Mass keeping means that many animals are kept. Since much is relative, much can stand for 50 and 10000. For this reason it should not be banned, for example, as 50 pigs or chickens are not profitable

2 years ago

But much better postures must be enforced. It’s only international! Otherwise, only production is transferred abroad!

2 years ago

In any event

2 years ago

Any kind of animal torture is prohibited.

2 years ago

There’s no reason. I’m just saying

technological animal husbandry in large enterprises to obtain as many animal products as possible