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warehouse14, UserMod Light

The most important thing is that you also have a job that is halfway well paid.

There is no need to learn a profession where there is already an oversupply of solid professionals. So also consider whether the profession can offer you a good future in the long term.

Only after that comes the personal interest and ease as a criterion.

Stock 14

6 months ago

Both should be important – and I must say that typical “dream jobs” of young people often become illusions. Knowing some who wanted to the police because they saw the cool cops from the television as a measure of all things and then were disappointed when they realized how the police everyday could be, for example, in the indoor or strip service.

I’ve learned industrial businessman because I came to the place of teaching on foot and by bicycle, which was achievable at the vocational school and has turned out so. It was all right.

6 months ago

Professional stress can be very stressful and lead to depression. If you feel that you are able to meet the requirements, you will choose the higher payment.

General information about a job does not really help because other working conditions and a different working environment could be present in any company. An internship would be helpful.

By the way, I worked in 5 different professions: Roter, Zeitsoldat, Kraftfahrer, Officer in the Higher Service as well as Office Businessman. There was no activity without timely severe stress. But it is easier if you already know yourself in matter.

6 months ago

It’ll be the same in time. 😊

6 months ago

You should choose a profession that offers as large a cut as possible between your interests and your strengths. Never focus on one of them!

6 months ago

Burningly interested because there you have to learn Ambition new and continue to train yourself