Sollte man seine Ausbildung abbrechen?
Hallo ich heiße Ole und bin 16 Jahre alt. Ich habe dieses Jahr im September meine Ausbildung als Maurer begonnen, jedoch hat sich schnell rausgestellt dass dieser Beruf nichts für mich ist. Ich habe in den Pfingstferien auch ein Praktikum gemacht genau in diesem Beruf und dort war es schon schlimm. Jedoch haben meine Eltern mich immer in diese Richtung gedrängt. In meiner Ausbildung werden ich sogar Hochschulabschluss machen meinten sie… jedoch werde ich oft von meinen Kollegen runtergemacht da ich noch nichts kann und nichts helfe… Meine Frage lautet jetzt: soll ich mich zusammenreißen und die Ausbildung abschließen, sodass ich am Ende meinen Hochschulabschluss habe oder mich lieber für einen anderen Job bewerben der mir in meinem Praktikum sehr viel Spaß gemacht hat?
You should just break aging if you have an alternative. Work, other training, etc. The first weeks can also be hard and later lighter.
But you may have misunderstood that with the university degree. A master is now equal to the bachelor, but you don’t have the master after 3 years of training. And a bachelor isn’t right.
I’m going to the college. I have to go to the Steinbeisschule for more than 80km
I’m not an expert, but can’t you get a professional college qualification?
This would only have the prerogative of being able to study. You’d have to study another three years for the university degree.
Ups got it interchanged yes meant high school
Hello Ole,
after a dual training you have no university degree.
If you do not agree with the training company or your training profession, you should stop the training or look for another training job and operation.
However, you can only finish the training by your legal representatives, as you are not full-year.
Thank you for your comment!
Through training to the mason, you can reach a university degree? Since when?
There’s a rough sound at the building, it’s known. Maybe your parents misunderstood the new name for masons. They now call themselves “High Farmers”
jap. I have university degree after 3 years
You’d be the first mason with academic degree I know 😀
A university degree certainly not.
As long as you have nothing else, you shouldn’t break.
That you can’t do anything yet is clear, you just started, but you could at least help.
I can help
Swear and choose the job that gives you pleasure.
Because you may have to do the job all your life.