Sollte man schwerst behinderten Menschen Drogen zur Verfügung stellen?
Neulich las ich von einem ganz schrecklichen Fall. Ein 15jähriger Junge stürzte im Sommer mit dem Skateboard. Es war eigentlich harmlos, aber er kam ins KH, wurde operiert und irgendwas ging schief. Seither ist er komplett gelähmt und kann nicht sprechen, ist aber bei vollem Bewusstsein. Ein absoluter Horror. Er kann seine Gedanken, seinen Schmerz, seine Angst niemandem mitteilen und wird wohl Jahrzehnte vor sich hin vegetieren. Ich frage mich, ob man Menschen wie ihm Drogen zur Verfügung stellen sollte. Es wäre die einzige Möglichkeit aus der Situation auszusteigen und etwas zu erleben. Ich weiß schon, Drogen sind schlecht, aber in so einem Fall wäre ein berauschter Zustand doch wünschenswert.
Yeah, I’m your opinion. If you could still make his life easier with drugs, so he can still experience beautiful moments.
I can understand your thoughts.
Two comments: There is so-called “palliative therapy” for seriously ill people. What this is and includes, you should read some more. Google or Wikipedia.
Secondly, it’s just a small jump from “right to drugs” to “right to dying”. However, this issue in Germany is still associated with considerable injustice when it comes to Pento barbital researched for people with death desire.
I live in Austria. There is a law here, but the paper is not worth it.
Join a group or association that wants to change and redesign the situation you complain about. Be active – instead of complaining.
I’ve already done that. A person is now complaining about it. Most affected people are no longer able to do so. That’s why politicians have no resistance to expect.
Ever thought about it, what if he’s panicked through the drugs by any warnings? Then he is quite caught in his own body and once he is living through hell. Such strongly restricted people usually take strong drugs that could make the effect of drugs unpredictable….
Of course, you should do that under medical supervision.
If the person cannot communicate, the doctor will also not be able to see what the drugs do with the person (except that the heart beats faster or something in the direction. But you can no longer define whether it is joy or fear, which makes the heart beat faster )
For me, it is no contradiction, accept that. He’s with full consciousness, but he can’t talk.
If you ask such a question and speak yourself again, you should expect discussions to arise, especially when you comment on the answer with insane arguments. The next time before, how much sense the question makes together with the arguments that are called. If a person is so severely impeded that the language center is affected, the thoughts will no longer be really extensive and, as said: to infiltrate drugs can go enormously backwards and make absolutely no sense because you are not in the person/ do not know if she gets panic or not. (I don’t understand how you don’t understand that I’m against it. Reading and filtering out the right content helps here a lot …)
Well, I really don’t know what you want. Thoughts are now extensive. You don’t have to mention that. But I don’t care.
I’m not the only one here that sees it. If you want to avoid misunderstandings, you should better consider how to shape your question. With yes/no he can formulate it by blinking. In your question, there was no talk about the scope. Fact is: if he could blink, he can tell his thoughts. But then what again speaks to your question.
Even such a person is not constantly sad. It is not about feeling the touch, but the gesture itself. And how do you imagine this with the continuous supply? That 24/7 one sits on the bed? No private patient has so much luxury.
Very extensive. Of course he’s sad. He doesn’t feel in arm. And being alone is also difficult. He needs a full supply.
With questions like: Are you sad? You want to be taken in the arm? Would you like to be alone?
No, it doesn’t contradict each other. How do you share your thoughts if you can blink the maximum? Come on!
You don’t really think you’re having a hard-disabled person who can’t even communicate what can start with the brain’s currents. What now? Can he communicate or not? If he blinks through it, he can do it. This, however, speaks with your question with the phrase “He can tell his thoughts, his pain, his fear no one and will probably vegetate decades before himself”
Brain flows, etc.? Blinzeln is likely. Then you could ask him for the first trip, whether he wants it again or not.
I think it would be smarter to sleep in.
Not more than drugs can worsen their condition without he can say it would be worse.
What are you going to worsen in his condition? He can’t move his body, don’t talk, don’t eat, is beaten.
achso and of course bad trips. that can trigger panic and problems in the brain
he could die and if he is beaten he can forget most because much goes on breathing. Circular ect.
His organs still work, they could get all together problems
I understand your intention but the danger of regaining everything in perception is unfortunately very high, and then only body is broken but the conscious feeling cruel
Do you think the situation is cool? It would be great if you could at least miss him a hot trip. The poor guy can’t even ask for help.
There are some organs injuring, you can get psychoses, and delusions, heart attack ect, mean something like that would be horny?
What else to worsen?
correct but to make them worse with drug would not be wise and side effects are already extreme in healthy people even in one consumption, in a sick person you can have quite fatal cross reactions that you did not know before
Unfortunately, the situation of the boy cannot be improved.
you really don’t understand.
You can stop suffering through zb medicines, therapies, new behavior for that you do not need to die.
You have to improve the life situation.
but my message was to your command no one wants to die.
no one wants to live like that.
Bullshit. You can’t end suffering differently. In addition, this is not about suicide, but about making life more bearable.
they want to end their suffering but do not die, because you have to go over your fear of death, you can’t even die, the body doesn’t want to die
Huh? They just want to end their suffering.
no they want that they are no longer capable of suffering, that unfortunately goes only partly through dead that is then only the negative consequence
Yes, of course. Many people want to die.
no one really wants to die.
No, no one knows. But nobody wants to live like that.
and there would be more gracious to give him the death shot.
You don’t really know what he feels.
Most still want to live.
His life is almost over and only a torment. That’s much worse than dying.
And how do you want to find out if he doesn’t seem able to communicate?
Maybe twirl over eyes. He understands everything, then he’s supposed to sing for no and twice for yes. That’s probably the only thing he can do.
Well, he didn’t know before. All right, let’s take him. Then he would rather ask for a decent death because he has no cure chances. In his place, I wouldn’t want any more syringes or pills that make high.
Then he can communicate 🤔
Of course.
Ever heard of Stephen Hawking?
If you are max. Yes/no, you can’t tell yourself. He must scream in his head.
No, you wrote he couldn’t tell. Don’t speak and can’t communicate is not the same.
Yeah, because he can’t tell. Except yes and no.
You wrote that too:
I wrote he can’t talk.
In the case shown, man can obviously still communicate with his surroundings. You can ask him if he is in pain and he can answer this through eye movements or breathing speed. If he’s in pain, he’ll be given painkillers like everyone else.
There are even more extreme states that are called “included state”. In these patients you don’t even know if they can take information from the environment or if they have pain.
The reverse is the Cotard syndrome. These people no longer feel themselves and some of them therefore think they are dead and ask why they are not buried.
In some places, life is even more cruel than most can imagine.
He won’t be able to feel himself.
that depends on which nerves are hurt.