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My parents say noon sleep is not effective – after that one should not be so rested, they think. Must be early in the evening…
And 18?
Then I guess the “People’s Law”…
My brother is 18, he still has bedtime – so no lunch. Wouldn’t have time for that.
And 17?
From time to time, if you are very tired, you can do. That would be a nap less than 30 minutes.
However, if your question refers to planning this in general in the daily routine, then no. If you need a 17-day sleep, something generally goes wrong. Try to get more sleep in the night.
It doesn’t depend on your age, but how much Lack of sleep you did. If you’ve been piling up something, then it’d be good to do something…
~ ajkcdajefiu
But not at lunchtime. On work/job is quite, very quickly a topic for the head of staff.
That’s not a matter of age. If you’re tired, you should sleep if you can. That’s only natural. A powernap is even very healthy.
No, not necessarily.
Don’t talk about it, you can do it.
No, this is a completely unnecessary habit of many people.
And neither with 16.
And neither with 18.
Don’t have to.
No, you should be at school, in training, in association or at school.
And 18?
You’re old and you die soon.
No! Not just……😅🤦 ♂️