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Tiktok sperrt unnötig video?
Ich habe gestern ein Video gemacht wie ich eine kleine Batterie angezündet habe mit Frohes neues Jahr und jetzt hat Tiktok das Gesperrt wegen verstößen und habe jetzt eine Verwarnung bekommen, dabei machen das so viele Leute, was kann ich dagegen tun?
No, not at all. You get rid of your brain and you lose your time; the really good time in real life.
I was in school a couple of years ago when the phone was taken off. You could take it in the evening (there was a day/week limit). But usually we just left it there and played board games or did some other things out there. That was a great time!
But now I’m from school and almost in the evening on Insta, YouTube and GF. Jap, a very stupid habit.. So keep it apart as long as possible. 🙃
Only if you have parents who are able to join the child and thoroughly explain the dangers such as bullying, sex. Otherwise, social media can cause a lot of damage at the young and strongly influential age, which can make some really sick!
In principle, the parents have to decide but in my opinion, this conceals and takes the beautiful time in life! Andzwar’s childhood
It’s probably not good, but it makes everyone at the age, zb my whole school, my class, my friends…. prefer YouTube or something? but I only understand it too well, is entertaining. By the way, I am female 12, soon 13 LG
No best not!
The platforms are dangerous and you should put much more emphasis on education at the age!
rubber ball
Well, it’s not forbidden and it’s normal nowadays. I am myself 12, soon 13, I myself have not all but many of my friends, also much younger
I don’t think that’s normal at all
What about 12 here?
You better not let that read the support…
With me it worked without permission, parents don’t always allow that
The App Store is 12, which is correct
But you usually have to be 18 unless you have permission of parents to be here
When I signed up here, there was from 12… and yes, it’s probably like this today.
good question is not allowed from 12
good question is from 18!
That’s what’s in the AGB’s and they’re writing this
And that makes everyone in your city?
Yeah, I’ve been here 10 times. And good question is allowed from 12. And here with me in town, school, class that makes almost everyone, so tiktok, insta, snapchat and so
Hm, so I need the apps but never felt. Could she just delete it so well. I’d rather do something with my friends. That’s why I’d say that you don’t need it, I mean you’re not getting smarter out of all this stuff.
No, you don’t need them. Many greetings
M 15 but personally I would say no
These platforms should not be used at all and at this age anyway, they spoil the character and are not helpful. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
No, you shouldn’t. Just causing unnecessary stress.