Sollte man Kinder anlügen beim Osterhase?
Findet ihr es ok das Eltern ihre Kinder anlügen bei Osterhase, Weihnachtsmann, Zahnfee etc.?
Wieso erzählt man nicht einfach die Wahrheit?
Findet ihr es ok das Eltern ihre Kinder anlügen bei Osterhase, Weihnachtsmann, Zahnfee etc.?
Wieso erzählt man nicht einfach die Wahrheit?
Hey, ich weiblich 15, wohne seit einer Woche bei meiner Oma, da es so für mich einfacher ist zur Schule zu kommen. Am Sonntag waren meine Cousinen zum Essen da. Ich war satt und wurde von einer Freundin angerufen. Deswegen bin ich aufgestanden und zum telefonieren in mein Zimmer gegangen. Nachdem alle fertig waren mit…
In Deutschland darf man offenbar als 14- und 15-Jähriger in Begleitung seiner Eltern Alkohol trinken. Meine Frage ist, was denkst du darüber? Würden Sie das als Eltern zulassen?
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Hardly a child seriously believes in an Easter bunny or Santa Claus.
These are nice childish ideas, such as the one that the teddy bear is a separate person.
Then Christmas and Easter are cultural goods that live not least of childish joy, which is the special charm of these feasts.
This topic has been taken through thousands of times, but okay….
So. Children still master magic thinking. Imagination, imagination. … This is ideal for their personal development.
The Easter bunny/Christkind these are natural developments from ancient traditions. Today’s Christkind/ Today’s Easter Hase hardly have anything to do with the original placeholder characters.
Nikolaus is based on a real personality from ancient times. The basic element of the “someone secretly and surprisingly conceive” stems from it. This day is actually a memorial day to this person. But as it is often so, the theme is excluded and used as a “placeholder” to relax the waiting period until Christmas something for the child.
The tooth fairy: Here too is a very old tradition of origin. The basic idea was further developed over the centuries – and through the media (film, book) the tooth fair got its “touch” today.
“What” is taught to the younger one’s own is more or less in hand as parents themselves. At home, for example, there was never the tooth fairy. Teeth fell out, came more or less safely packed into a container for storage. That’s all.
Some things are less complete in their own hands than parents. Media (film, radio plays, children’s stories) are attacking these myths for the children and their own youngsters are inevitably confronted. Shielding is almost useless. Especially in kindergarten and primary school, the child is confronted with the topic. Would then feel excluded because it can’t talk.
After all, every child grows out of there by herself. Some are banged in front of the Latz “This is so and so, come clear with it now” – this is not ideal and under certain circumstances burdens the affected child.
Others grow out of this naturally, forming their own opinion due to their observations. As a result, the transition becomes weaker, easier to bear. That’s what happened to me. Also with my own junior.
Lie is in this context a very strong word.
It’s nice stories to make children’s life exciting.
You also read fairy tales to children or watch movies with them, even though this is all invented.
What’s the lasting mess about Santa Claus? A Santa Claus is someone who dresses up accordingly and either gives the children a gift to order on Christmas Eve after secretly handing him over the bag outside, or who is watching the children in shopping malls during the pre-Christmas period. Of course there is. That they call him in the singular does not mean that there is only one. They say that today the plumber comes, but there are many. A problem of truth is to be cultivated only if you are too greedy, for example the Muslim student who likes to do such a job (because he doesn’t celebrate Christmas himself), pay a fee and instead hires a mate or relative for free. Then the knowledge comes from the children: I know you, you are the Klaus!
There is no truth problem with Santa Claus, but it is very good at Easter bunny. I wouldn’t mind if you redefined it. You make an excursion at Easter where there are bunnies, and the Easter bunny is then the first bun to see. Here in Hamburg there are even hares in front of Fuhlsbüttel airport.
It is much more beautiful to tell children such fairy tales.
I don’t understand it as lying.
Why? Because it belongs to a happy childhood and makes Christmas, Easter and Co something special again.
That is why one should tell his children in young years nmals the truth in this topic.
Where’s the beautiful childhood left without this lying?
Yeah, it’s okay. This is not a bad lie, on the contrary, it is to make it beautiful for them. If they realize it’s not like that, then nobody’s mad or anything else. In addition, tradition is preserved.
This topic has been covered thousands of times. Children still master magic thinking and parents want to make it “beautiful”.
It’s not a lie….
That’s the “Tray of Childhood” as long as children can still dream…
that’s almost over by itself when you get older.
I’ll see.
My children loved it and were always curious. At some point it was over. The stories were questioned and then, of course, they were answered in truth.
No matter how you do it, there’s no wrong or right in this respect. The child will not take it bad when it comes out that the parents are responsible for everything. You can tell it in imaginative style, cultural style or religious style. No matter how the child will be happy afterwards.
I found it out by myself with my sixth year of life. My parents often left us alone. So on an afternoon. I was looking for something nasty and found a box on the floor in the pantry. She was covered with a folded ceiling. We weren’t allowed to shoot, but we always did. And I took up the blankets, there were Petra Barbies underneath, a Barbie bathroom and other toys for the Barbie. Now it was like I couldn’t ask for who the toy is. I didn’t understand why this was covered and why my parents didn’t just give me the toy. But I couldn’t ask because then it became clear that I ran. So it was said to keep baking quiet. It took three months to Christmas. And then Christmas came and the stuff was under the tree. Mothers said Santa was doing great things and I knew it was months ago. So it was clear it wasn’t Santa Claus.
I didn’t blame my parents. This led to a new sport. In the weeks before Easter, Christmas and the birthday to search the place at any time to see what I get. Have fun too. finished with 15. From there, there was only money in the voucher.
Would be okay, but kids want to believe in fairy tales, secrets etc. and the truth would they possibly not understand. As soon as they understand, you can be honest.
Yeah, that’s okay.
The parents have to decide for themselves. And lying sounds a little drastic.
You tell a nice story that usually brings shiny and happy children’s eyes.
And a psychic trauma also suffers the fewest children, if one day they find that there is no Easter bunny etc.
Easter bunny, Santa, tooth fairy, rattle stork. That was all Uncle Willy;-)
Then thank Uncle Willy ;-).
:-)… No, I didn’t understand. But yes, then Uncle Willy shouldn’t take over the tasks.
I don’t really have to explain the joke, do I? In intact families, Uncle Willy should not have taken over the task of the rattle’s death. Come on.
Some of them are still seen in some houses or in pre-gardens. I find something cute… is an old tradition, especially in rural areas. You don’t have to take everything too seriously and the motto should be: Let everyone do as he wants.
Especially for the butterfly
Because it’s beautiful for children. Children love such magical magic worlds.
However, you should not be dubious when the child no longer believes and asks
Lie is such a bad word.
The child is often lied enough in his life and is not always in goodness.
Of course, the Easter bunny, Santa Claus and the tooth fairy cause damage when the children eventually realize that their parents have lied to them, but if there is an otherwise stable relationship of trust, the child will forgive these wraths.
I for my part had my fun in faith in the three and it would have been a pity that I would not have liked this magic.
These are beautiful stories that bring a special spell. As a child, I loved walking through the forest with my mother and looking for caves under the trees where the mothers live who help the Christkind to make all the gifts.
At a red sunset it’s always called “baking the angels”, no matter how old and realistic we are:D
The truth came to light at some point, there was no great mystery about it, but it was nice to do as if the idea was so beautiful.
A quote / text extract from my favorite author:
“All right,” said Susan. “I’m not stupid. You say that people need fantasies to make life bearable.”
“Denfeen? Snow fathers? Small ‘
“So we can believe the big ones?”
“They are not the same at all!”
“Yes, but people have to believe that, or what else has it for a sense”
I’m sorry.
Oh jaaaaa, Hogfather 😀 For a few years, this film has been part of our Christmas family tradition, as I generally devoured the disc world novels and especially love this book
I think you’re right, and I’m still grateful to my parents today that they told me the truth, but also that others tell me what my life did not break down, only for me no world has collapsed, so I saved it.
You have my consent, LG. 🙂
Children build a little “glitter” but no lies!
Why not tell Easter what it is? Resurrection and life?!
We’re having fun and hiding eggs for that reason.
On Christmas we also celebrate the birth of Jesus, and because he is not with us, we always give each other a birthday,
As with all other religious holidays, there is also a tradition in the lie. You pass on what you haven’t checked and give space to the lie/sin.
Or just let the kids get their imagination.
I’ve been lying. Without imagination