Sollte man in Unternehmen jeden einstellen?
Macht es Sinn, dass ich in meinem Unternehmen jeden einstelle und die ungeeigneten wieder entlasse oder sollte ich nur qualifizierte Personen einstellen?
Weil ich möchte nicht, dass mir ein guter Mitarbeiter entgeht, nur weil die Noten nicht passen.
Für mich zählt Leistung, keine Noten.
A company has to pay in the time when someone is hired and may be fishing. It costs money. Of course you only take people where you can see a future.
The notes are such a thing. My boss said: Someone with a loud 1sen often has trouble dealing with setbacks and is often less resilient in professional life if not so good – what can happen. He said: without having a good feeling for a person and their attitude, he would not hire anyone. And not just because of the notes.
So he’s talking to them at the interview. Thought to me as much as: you can learn everything but not fit everyone into the team. Since I was unlearned and cross-edited, that was the only reason he had to take me. The conversation. My grades were moderate. And I only studied two months. The job actually demands study. Make him 25 years.
To determine whether someone is suitable or shows performance, the sample time is sufficient. She’s here. It’s a risk. Either way. But I wouldn’t look at notes. Only for best professional groups.
One has nothing to do with the other. You will certainly have a few criteria regarding your employees, although they are not the grades. Adjusting and dismissing is expensive and unproductive.
Well, in case it makes sense to ask for an application that is not directly based on grades, but that people really should be themselves from what they can and exactly this one could then simply make trial tests, i.e. an attitude test.