Sollte man gar nicht mehr die Börse verfolgen, wenn man keine Aktien mehr hat und auch keine kaufen will?

Es ist irgendwie schade zu sehen daß es an der Börse bergauf geht und man nicht dabei ist. Aber auch gut tut, wenn sie fällt und man keine Verluste macht.

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1 year ago

This depends on your own interest. Whoever invests in the long term and is really convinced of his investment does not have to check the courses or the news every day. As a rational, passive investor, one should not be too much influenced by the current market situation anyway. Just Hodl.

1 year ago

You put the question back.

What do you want to hear? If you’re happy about this, follow them. If you’re afraid of loss, make paper trading.

The stock exchange is like life: In the end, one regrets especially when one has not lived out of noisy fear.

I don’t want to say you’re supposed to be “mutable” and pulverize your money on the stock exchange. Specially try paper trading. And if again with real money, then with small positions.

Make it clear that there are losses. No world champion in the skating would have been if he had never crashed.

1 year ago

If you look long-term, it won’t go up. I have a pattern depot since the beginning of 2022. And at the moment I’m just at 4% in plus. And I can also achieve this return with fixed-interest securities. So no reason to buy shares.

If you prefer to find something like the one who invented the printer, it became a multiple millionaire.

1 year ago
Reply to  christl10

Are you addicted to the stock exchange?

1 year ago
Reply to  Singuli

If you look long-term, it won’t go up.

Are you serious or do you?

And right now I’m at 4% in plus.

For the last two years, this is really not so tingling, but better than 0% or loss. And you must also say that two years are not really relevant. If you still have so little return in 5 years, I would actually think about a change of strategy, but otherwise: just keep saving and waiting.

1 year ago

Because you can.

1 year ago

Yeah, well for Junkies, the shot is also exciting. The question is whether you’re addicted or not.

1 year ago

Apart from enjoying pleasure or being interested, you do not need to follow this in general.

1 year ago

I think the New Zealand and Australian real estate market is the best example of how much trust many wealthy people have in securities.

1 year ago

One should turn to spiritual things that one cannot buy with money.

1 year ago

In such a case, the success of the market is sense-free.

1 year ago

You should not be unnecessarily burdened with things and even limit the consumption of messages.

The daily flood of information can really make sick.