Sollte man eine Koffeinüberdosis ernst nehmen?


Ich habe heute Abend eine Koffeintablette von 100 mg eingenommen, um auf der Disco später länger durchzuhalten. Nach einer dritten Tablette und nach einer Stunde habe ich immer noch nix gespürt.

Nach der vierten Tablette (ca 400mg) habe ich extreme Angstzustände, und einen inneren Druck, als ob alles gleich explodieren würde.

Blutdruck und Puls sind leicht erhöht.

Sollte man das ernst nehmen?


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2 months ago

Yes you should, 400mg are the maximum daily dose, divided into 16h.

This is an overdose in a short time. Now drink a lot of water and do not take any alcohol to you.

Caffeine takes 30-60 minutes to be recorded for the next time.

If your symptoms don’t get worse, you don’t necessarily need a doctor, but you should now dispense with more caffeine and alcohol as well as strong physical stress, instead light exercise like walking and lots of water. This helps keep your cycle stable and helps the body to reduce caffeine. You should feel better in 2h and in 4-5 you should be normal again.

In 8h the caffeine is then completely out of the system.

2 months ago
Reply to  4z7z7y

The daily recommendation of 400mg is divided into 16h. So you recorded the daily maximum in a short time.

You can do that, of course, but you can also call the poison call and ask what to do.

2 months ago

of course this is serious

go to the emergency room… don’t sound good! I already have experience with this…. best goes someone with you, not driving in this state!!!!

All good ❣️

2 months ago
Reply to  4z7z7y

Dose? I don’t know anymore, were just too many cups, then, hane learned at night, wanted to go through it, at the same time with children, ear then in the emergency room in the morning, just as you described it, only goes away after hours, if at all, so…you might be even more important…you need so n stuff that helps you get down!!!!

2 months ago
Reply to  4z7z7y

yes, do the 🙂

2 months ago
Reply to  greenSara

Hi, how are you?

2 months ago

I am happy

2 months ago

So, where I was also afraid, I have always made Bittgebet, I am Muslim, at least ‘ya Allah, please help me!’ all the good, will be remembering something beautiful, flowers, a warm summer wind, good people, animals….❣️🌺🌴🐈

2 months ago

Then call the medical stand-by service or the poison call next!

2 months ago

That was too much. Caffeine increases the pulse and increases the risk of dangerous heart rhythm disorders.