Should you still buy an iPhone 11 Pro now?

I'm slowly starting to need a new phone and would like to buy an iPhone. I've been thinking about getting the iPhone 11 Pro because I really like the round design and it's very affordable.

But is it now outdated for 2024, or could it still be useful? Since the phone was released in 2019

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5 months ago

I wouldn’t do it because it’s not known if it still gets iOS 19. I’m still going out, but you won’t get an iOS 20 to 70-80%. You also pay too much money for outdated technology! Pay 300€ more and have a current technique.

Comparable is it like when I buy a PC with Windows 10 now. This year might come Windows 12, and 2025 will turn Windows 10 off. So he wouldn’t give any sense to buy the device just because it’s a little cheaper or?

5 months ago
Reply to  Zenitsu4571

Of course you need to install the current iOS version. Not only are new features, but more important are closed vulnerabilities.

5 months ago
Reply to  Zenitsu4571

Well, if you prefer to throw away your iPhone several times than buying a good one you can do it already. If the phone costs 300€ and you replace it every two years, you can also buy a new current and then use it for 7 years.

5 months ago

I wouldn’t buy anymore, as the update support will soon expire.

I would buy a maximum of 12s or 13s, which are refurbished even barely more expensive.