Sollte man der Freundin raten einen Motorradführerschein zu machen?

Hi ich hab so ne Freundin die total gerne Sozia fährt bei mir hinten drauf. Ihr sie ihr macht das Motorradfahren als Sozia total Bock aber sie weiß nicht ob sie selber fahren können möchte. Sollte ich ihr dazu raten nen Motorradführerschein zu machen oder eher nicht?

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5 years ago

I did it to my wife at the time when she was 17 or 18 advised to make the appearance because I said it was much better to drive yourself instead of “just” than to hocken sozia at the back. At some point, she made the appearance

5 years ago

The decision should make them themselves, and depending on how they decide, you can help them within your options. :

5 years ago

I would definitely advise her.

I only took a socius as a passenger when it was absolutely necessary to drive on the bike. And the lady too.

5 years ago

think that should everyone decide for themselves

5 years ago

Talk to her about it.

Then you’ll see if she wants to drive herself.

5 years ago

No, it should be from her own.

5 years ago

If she knew it herself, she’d take care of it.

I’m also one of the women who prefer to drive along than drive themselves.