Sollte man den Preis nennen auf einer Internetseite?
Hallo. Ich verkaufe Webseiten und wollte Fragen, ob man den Preis für die Erstellung dieser angeben sollte z. B 2500 Euro ? Oder ehr nur, wenn ein Kunde kaufen will sprich auf Kontakanfrage
Hallo. Ich verkaufe Webseiten und wollte Fragen, ob man den Preis für die Erstellung dieser angeben sollte z. B 2500 Euro ? Oder ehr nur, wenn ein Kunde kaufen will sprich auf Kontakanfrage
Hallo, ich wollte für eine Website ein Hintergrundbild haben, und habe ews auch mit tutorials versucht aber die klappen nicht. Wie geht es richtig?
Muss man da noch was zusätzlich installieren oder reicht da auch einfach die Endung .lua ?
z.b. beim Gaming, beim Lernen oder im Beruf?
Ich besitze einen Debian Server und habe ihn mit meiner Domain verknüpft und darauf eine WordPress Webseite erstellt. Diese Domain habe ich in Cloudflare und der entsprechende DNS Eintrag ist mit Proxy. Obwohl auf dem Server kein SSL Zertifikat installiert war, zeigt mir mein Browser eine sichere Verbindung mit einem gültigen Zertifikat an. Wenn ich…
Wenn ich versuche ein neues ticket zu öffnen Kommt in discord der fehler: “Diese Interaktion ist fehlgeschlagen und im code-editor kommt die Fehlermeldung: “Traceback (most recent call last): , line 427, in _scheduled_task await item.callback(interaction) , line 35, in ticket await interaction.defer( AttributeError: ‘Button’ object has no attribute ‘defer’ import discord from discord.ext import commands…
The denomination of prices is not a problem only if your own offers are well formulated and thoroughly calculated. Speak very precisely what specific services are provided for this sum. Instead of calling a fixed end price, I would make a “ab”. Also note that additional costs may be incurred depending on the project and scope. Everything else should then be clearly formulated when contract is concluded.
However, due to your question, I would first of all be advised of fixed prices, as you cannot really estimate how much time and effort a project has taken in due to lack of experience. As far as pricing and costing is concerned, I can recommend Marco Wilhelm Linke’s pocketbook “Design Calculate” for the beginning. The book is, above all, a good guide for the beginning, on which you can orient yourself for your own pricing.
This could scare off the customer – zb at a high price
However, it could also attract the customer low price than expected
always comes to your negotiating skills, and also to your strategy
where can I book you? Hab n fat project, are also only about 1000 hours of time…
Fun by side, Amazon is not “a product on our website cost 50€”, just as you can’t make a fixed price.
If you want simple onepager, the never will pay 2500€ and if you have a fat project (like me xD) then you will ruin yourself with it.
You can’t even guess the time spent before that.
It depends. Depending on how you want to address customers and whether you already have a name in the industry.
Would rather make a button with “Request offer”, or something. If you’re cheap in the environment, you can also theoretically call it directly. Depends on which target group you want to address.
Well, you can’t just write that you build a website for 2500€. If the customer only wants to have a simple static page that you built in two hours, it should of course be cheaper than an extensive web app where you need to develop a year.
It is therefore only possible by request. You have to settle with the customer what he wants and whether you really have to build it from scratch or whether you can use WordPress.
You can’t even know what the customer wants and needs and therefore don’t make any statement about the effort and price. Is a bit as if a KFZ workshop would write to her page “A writer’s partition costs 800 euros with us.”
Since you can only then know what the customer needs and how much he is ready and able to output, you will only calculate the price.
This is very individual, depending on what the customer wants.
No fixed price there is no side like the other one! Rather per hour of programming with approx. hour number.