Sollte man das so machen ?

Im Nachhinein ist man immer klueger. Als ich damals das Gymnasium besucht habe, welches ich wieder verlassen musste. Mit dem Wissen von heute, haette ich mir sofort ein Attest fuer den Sportunterricht geholt.

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1 month ago

What is your question?

I mean, you say the same: Afterward, you’re smarter.

It will happen to you many times in life that you don’t look through things.

A valuable tip: move with people and make them friends who are interested in you and give you valuable critical advice, people you open. This is the only effective means to sum up with self-reflection, but also that has its limits

1 month ago

would only help you marginally as a professional in yours.

Maybe you need a certificate for your talent and not your dreams, or something similar