Sollte man das immer tun ?
Ich bin bei der Techniker Krankenkasse versichert. Ich habe mich telefonisch danach erkundigt ob eine Wurzelkanalbehandlungsrevision übernommen wird, die Dame am Telefon meinte zu mir wenn der Zahnarzt die Erfolgsaussichten für gut erachtet dann wird auch so eine Revision übernommen beziehungsweise über die Karte abgerechnet. Hätte ich mir den Namen der Mitarbeiterin notieren sollen, damit man etwas in der Hand hat ?.
The costs are taken over when the teeth are safe, but only a certain number and only a certain amount of channels.
You pay everything else for yourself, the dentist will tell you and also call you the costs.
She said that if the prospects for success are good, then the full costs are taken over and what the lady told me is the only thing that matters.
If you mean the dentist will be happy to explain the legal regulations.
Well, I’m out.
Yes, whether that’s true what the so-called “experts” give of themselves, that’s on a whole different sheet of paper, that’s put there. I also don’t think everything other people, people tell me, say, write.
Then you shouldn’t ask any questions about professionals who are on the go.
Yes, I mean, I trust the staff at the technician health insurance and not anyone from the Internet.
What are the names of employees? Every employee should tell you the same 🙂
this is not necessary for the dentist