Sollte man auf vegane Ersatzprodukte verzichten?

Man stellt aus Soja, Getreide, Samen und Nüssen vegane Ersatzprodukte für Fleisch, Milchprodukte, Eier und Honig her.

Allerdings enthalten vegane Ersatzprodukte oft ungesunde Zusatzstoffe wie Süßungsmittel, Verdickungsmittel usw.

Frage: Man kann ja auch mit Obst und Gemüse, welches sowieso von Natur aus vegan ist, leckere Speisen zubereiten. Deswegen: Würdet ihr empfehlen, auf vegane Ersatzprodukte zu verzichten?

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10 months ago

That’s not even the only problem. Most of these replacement products are very often manufactured by the same companies that generate their sales with mass livestock.

So you indirectly support this system when you consume the replacement products.

Where the turnover and profit originates, these companies do not care. Probably the profit margin for the replacement products is even much higher and they laugh dead that people continue to support them and finally jumps out more for them.

10 months ago

The vegan substitute products no longer contain unhealthy as in animal finished products. It’s just a short way.

Otherwise, you can cook delicious vegan even without finished replacement products. Because you can make everything yourself if you have the necessary ingredients and equipment.

Personally, I use little finished replacement products. What I most often use is tofu from the Asian market or soy-free/s soy-sweet/hack (consisting of erbsenprotein, colouring beans protein and salt) or even soy granules in all sizes (which meanwhile rarely) or seitan (because it is precisely from an ingredient that wheat gluten and can be produced even if you have time from quite normal wheat meal or you take). Or even legumes, vegetables, oatmeal, jackfruit (is also only a fruit which, however, in the unripe condition is also super suitable as meat substitute) etc.

And from the ingredients (+ of course some more) you can really cook a lot. Recipes are also massive on the internet and there are plenty of dishes that are vegan from nature or where you just have to leave a ingredient so that it would be vegan.

10 months ago

I got something for you.

  • “Hey vegans, your replacement products are chemically and unhealthy!” To find on the Youtube blog of “The Artmate” – please look…

For risks and side effects, ask your doctor – or the animal profit lobby…;)

“Of course” the sensitivities do not apply to “normal” animal products – self-explanatory!

10 months ago



10 months ago

You should also look at vegan products what is inside. Thickeners can also be completely natural substances. And with sugar, you have to pay attention to the amount.

There are quite useful alternatives to animal products.

10 months ago

I wouldn’t mind if I were vegan. What chemistry can do is quite noticeable.

10 months ago
Reply to  Kerstin002

“Overnightly” I think much more that so many people deny that they themselves – and almost everything around them – consist of pure and pure “Chemie”…;)

10 months ago
Reply to  Honeysuckle18

You know what it means.

10 months ago

Ironically, at least not…