Sollte künstliche Intelligenz irgendwann dem Menschen gesetzlich gleichgestellt sein?
Also sowas wie KI Rechte bekommen.
Also sowas wie KI Rechte bekommen.
Bei jedem neuen Aufsetzen meines Computers wäre das äußerst bequem, nur eine .exe oder ein kleines Skript auszuführen…kennt sich da jemand aus ob sowas funktioniert?
Wie kann ich auf Discord so einen Bot hinzufügen der Musik abspielt? LG
Welche der Antwort stimmt nicht?
Hallo, ich möchte in mein Menü gerne Funktionen einbauen, z.B. um meinen neuen Kontostand zu berechnen, nachdem ich eine Einzahlung getätigt habe. Ich vermute, dass ich irgendetwas übersehe, da ich eine seltsame Antwort erhalte, wenn ich mein Programm laufen lasse. kontostand = 0 while True: # Menüauswahl print(“\n— Menü —“) print(“1 – Kontostand anzeigen”) print(“2…
Ich will lernen bestimmte Projekte zu programmieren wie z.B. für den Anfang einen Fifa Sniping Bot und später auch richtige Cheats und umgehen vom AntiCheat. Habe Null Grundwissen und bin gerade mal bis Step 6 im Cheat Engine Tutorial gekommen bevor ich es nie wieder angefasst habe. Sonstige Fragen Welche Programmiersprache für Anwendungen + Chrome…
The combination of our worldwide lawless internet and AI is a super mix. This requires urgent action. Without AI it was very bad, with AI it gets worse. At the pace as the AI develops, it is possible to create a full and credible fake before 2030 for any person who has ever posted any picture of himself on the Internet. You or your neighbor, too. You think your neighbor’s hot? At the push of a button there is a fake porn, you only need a single photo. The same applies to your eight-year-old daughter in primary school.
Accordingly, it is absolutely necessary that the annonymous Internet must soon be closed. I don’t know what a concept needs to be conceived, but internet access must require a kind of unilateral hardware-based high tech / state of the art personality identification for use. Shared contents must be assigned to a single hardware identifier. An AI, a bot, any program may not act on the Internet without being assigned to an identifiable person, so that the operators/subsidiaries of this software are liable. As a small bonus, the general internet crime is reduced by 98.35%.
Alternatively, offer a parallel Internet that places corresponding requirements. Then people can choose where to go.
Not if you define AI with what it currently means.
Should an AI actually arise the emotions have and can think independently then they should have some rights. But this is full of scincefiction and we think we can be happy to stand before the problem.
Yeah, she’s already been. How different could the progressively rising Regulatory measures and Standardised vehicles to order?
visible features:
How was that? You can do a lot of things wrong. But if you really want to build shit, you need a computer….
Rights can only have living beings which an AI is now not. In addition, an AI is a software program, then other programs would also have to “come” rights…
No, because AI has no human consciousness and no empathy, and even is too stupid to work completely error-free.
There’s no AI yet. What is currently called is simply fast software that can use more data than usual.
If an AI is created at some point, it will acquire these rights itself and not depend on us.
KI as smart as the dumbest programmer.
What for? It is not a self-thinking and/or acting person.
That’s Kiphob.
This is fact. Face it.