Sollte in der Schule intensiv über die Schlachtung von Tieren aufgeklärt werden?
Ich bin selber seit nicht sehr langer Zeit Vegetarisch gewonnen (im Moment zu 95% und Tendenz steigend da ich mir überall Ersatzprodukte zusammensuche).
Ich bin nicht ihrgendwie fanatisch gegen Fleisch und für mich überwiegt hier auch mehr der Gedanke ans Klima aber eben auch an das Tier.
Eine Sache die mir einfach extrem selbst bei gebildeten Menschen aufgefallen ist ist das viele ihrgendwie davon ausgehen das Fleisch auf Bäumen oder gar im Gefrierschrank im Supermarkt wächst.
Ganz viele Menschen haben offenbar teils selbst das Gefühl das der Konsum von Fleisch unethisch ist blenden aber dies aktiv aus.
Das geht natürlich auch sehr gut den 99% der Menschen haben keine Ahnung wie das Schlachten überhaupt funktioniert und sehen Kühe hauptsächlich nur auf der Verpackung.
Ich finde man sollte zumindest sich dessen bewusst sein das man etwas isst was für den reineb Genuss von Menschen gestorben ist.
From the 8th grade, I think that we should, as objectively as possible, naturally talk about livestock farming, climate, food of the world’s population and of these things.
Should definitely be part of the substance. From the 8th grade, I’d say.
Should intensively be explained at school about the slaughter of animals?
The documentation “Dominion” should definitely become part of the teaching.
Man can explain it to the old age and child, so that it does not trigger trauma.
Yes, extremely many seem not to think where the meat comes from (actually) and what it means to consume products of animal origin.
“It should generally be explained about the origins of our food, not just about meat.” – I agree.
So I don’t know, but I’ve read books in my childhood (e.g. what’s what). And there was also something about animals and about the production of goods. And as I said, these were children’s books.
For me, this may not be so surprising now that you have to kill animals to eat meat, of course.
As part of my training as a wholesale trader, I was once in a large-scale company of EDEKA. Even there I wasn’t very surprised. As said for meat, animals must die. But these are bred exactly for it.
Of course, this is not the ideal to use animals. But this is the course of life. Even animals eat among themselves. It is true that the animals only kill what they also eat and only the human being keeps and thus kills much more than he needs. But animals have nothing to do with the intellect. I once read (not in a What is What Book ;-))) the ants are extremely violent animals/insects. That was when ants had nuclear weapons destroyed the Earth.
But yes I am in favour of your proposal that is also shown in the course of school as meat is produced. But I don’t think that all of this will get right to vegans like you might plan on.
It is certainly not that only people eat meat that do not know how the animals are killed. There are enough that there is very accurate knowledge but either earn money or just don’t want to miss it. Of course there are more and more vegans. But the number will never become so high that humanity will completely abandon animals for consumption. But it is quite possible that it will become less.
I don’t need meat all the time and can live without a week, have already eaten vegan variants. I’m not going to miss it. Just out of the pragmatic reason I don’t help any concrete animal if I don’t eat meat anymore. The animals are still slaughtered and whether I eat them or not the butcher doesn’t care. There are enough customers who continue to come to him. I don’t count on meat for statistics.
And because you vegans often don’t understand. I don’t kill an animal. I only consume the animals already killed so that their death was not in vain. Because to dispose of meat because nobody liked THAT I really find bad. Because DANN really died for nothing.
It’s not. Man proves precisely because he can do that he has completely escaped the cycle of nature.
In contrast to the remaining animals, it is also able to understand a high degree of ethics.
In addition, meatless people can be fed.
I don’t talk about it being ethical, just as little it is efficient. It’s just that it happens.
And only because man understands what ethical action is, he does not have to do it. If everyone would act as it is “right” then there would be no more problems in the world. Only the one who determines exactly what is “right”?
Doesn’t fit anything with my answer.
What is correct cannot be determined exactly.
But there are certain standards:
If everyone were to adhere to the Golden Rule (except Masochists), we would not have many problems.
You can talk about the slaughter at school. I’m full of it.
And where do you learn best?
Or make yourself?
Well recognized.
“This is also very good for 99% of people have no idea how the battle works at all”
Let’s go.
Let’s assume that the people who have learned the battle, and then the slaughtering people still know how the battle is working: then, in fact, 99% of the people who don’t know.
This also means that the vegans do not know.
And from videos, I wouldn’t want to learn from them either.
Not that they accidentally put in the wrong docue, such as poltergeist or when the aliens attack.
These are just feature films and the videos are the truth? Because nobody makes the effort to edit or falsify a video?
“I’m not fanatical about meat and for me there is more thought about the climate…”
Just if you were FOR the climate, you’re eating meat. Beef! Menschen-die-Rindfleisch-essen-article23617204.html
Yes, we have taken this through in biology and also seen a documentary with explicit scenes.
It should generally be clarified about the origins of our food, not just about meat.
This generalization is super again, 99% of people don’t know what battles are??? I would think about it again at your place, especially the elderly can slaughter and know what is going on.
Your text sounds like: I am vegetarian now and everyone should be like me. Forget about it, don’t convince yourself, and with your general places, you put the population as a fool.
I wanted to write that I mean the younger ones, for example, my grandma has experienced this as a child like almost everyone.
I just didn’t know what age frame I was supposed to define.
That would really be explained to us. We’ve all seen a lot of videos. We all had trauma and were disturbed
So we have been dedicated to the topic for several hours a week…
I don’t know how it is
For two years several hours a week for slaughter? What kind of school were you on?
Not only slaughter
But generally the environment
Greenhouse gas
Threatened wildlife
And the last 3 are still the subject of geography, politics and economic education
What school do I visit?
Bavarian High School
Seriously? What kind of school was that?
So I think that’s too much.
Bavarian High School
Better eaten;)
Recently also 1 hour a week dedicated to the Basic Law and Bavaria
Or as our king maggus Söder likes to say:
Constitutional hour
Bavaria is its own planet. There is no gender
And stereotypically everyone has 300 cows at home.
That was not the question. That’s why it doesn’t matter.
Absolutely. An important topic. I have to watch as a cook. Open my eyes.
I wish you a nice holiday.
From the 8th class
Don’t yell but okay
You cannot scream in a text, but only express an opinion by e.g. large writing.
In the net, capital letters generally stand for screams.
You could represent emphasis with a curative font.